This is an example plugin for Node on FHIR. It will provides an example reference of how to create:
- an HTTP REST endpoint
- a database collection
- server side publication
- client side subscription
- a reactive user interface
- custom settings files
When implemented, you will be able to post data to the REST endpoint, and see the user interface automatically update to reflect the changes.
# download the Meteor on FHIR Community Server
git clone
cd node-on-fhir
cd packages
# install the example plugin
git clone
cd ..
# install dependencies
npm install
# run Node on FHIR Community Server using the example plugin
meteor run --settings packages/example-plugin/configs/settings.example.json --extra-packages clinical:example-plugin
# permanently add the example plugin to the project
meteor add clinical:example
# Step 1 - Rename package folder
# Step 2 - Update package name, description
# Step 3 - Customize the HelloWorld Page
# Step 4 - Update your routes if you wish
# Step 5 - Edit the settings file; add custom route, etc.
# add your package
meteor add foo:my-plugin
npm install
# run with a custom settings file
meteor run --settings packages/my-plugin/configs/settings.example.json
The BodyMassIndex calculator relies on SMART on FHIR to fetch FHIR Patient and FHIR Observation resources. We then create a FHIR RiskAssessment for obesity. When fetching from an upstream FHIR Server, the overall data architecture and sequence diagram looks like the following.