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CloudBride UY suggested dotfiles to develop a Personal Development Environment PDE.

Getting Started

These are the recommended steps to install everything from scratch on a new machine.

Go to GitHub and fork this repository. The rest of these steps should be done from your forked repo.

First, start by installing brew. You should check their site to get the current installation method. Then install GitHub's cli tool using brew.

brew install gh

We are going to need to create a new ssh key to access this repository:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<email>"

You should now have a public and a private key on $HOME/.ssh. Make a note of its location.

Log in to your account using gh auth login, and add the ssh key we created previously.

We can now clone this repository. Create a directory called $REPO_DIR and clone this repository there.

Consider setting these environment variables bash export GITHUB_USERNAME=<username> export REPO_DIR=<repo_dir>

mkdir -p ~/Projects/Personal
gh clone "$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles" "$REPO_DIR"

We suggest you use ~/Projects/Personal as the location to clone this repository.

Install Dependencies [1/2]

We need to install all dependencies in two steps. First, we'll install all dependencies that require brew, luarocks and git. This will allow us to load the zsh configuration so we can continue installing the other dependencies.

ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/brew.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"
ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/clone.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"
ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/luarocks.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"

It's very important that you provide the root variable as an extra-var.

Stowing configuration files

The next step requires stowing our configuration files into their appropriate folders. Most of them will go inside the ~/.config and ~/.local/bin folders so start by creating them.

# Create the required directories
mkdir -p ~/.config
mkdir -p ~/.config/repos
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

# Stow the repos folder
stow -t ~/.config/repos repos

# Stow the .config folder
stow -t ~/.config config

# Stow the dotfiles
mv ~/.zprofile ~/.zprofile.bak
mv ~/.zshrc ~/.zshrc.bak
stow -t ~ dotfiles

# Create symlinks
ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/symlinks.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"

# Stow the scripts folder
stow -t ~/.local/bin scripts

Install Dependencies [2/2]

We can continue installing additional dependencies. First, let's install nodejs, rust, and go.


source ~/.config/repos/lukechilds/zsh-nvm/zsh-nvm.plugin.zsh
nvm install 16 --default
nvm install 18


Follow the instructions here. Then add /usr/local/go/bin to the path.

export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH


Follow the instructions here. Then run:

export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

And run additional tasks.

ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/npm.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"
ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/go.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"
ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/cargo.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"
ansible-playbook "$REPO_DIR/ansible/tasks.yml" --extra-vars="root=$REPO_DIR"

At this point you should be able to open a new zsh session with no errors and fully configured.

Font Configuration

We love to use CartographCF as my main terminal font. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with a NERDFont variant, so I had to create my own. I won't provide a link to it given that its not a free font.

You can buy it and follow the steps here to create your own:

Alacritty Configuration

Once zsh is configured with all the other dotfiles and you've finished installing the dependencies and your fonts, you can restart alacritty to see the new configuration taking effect.

Nvim Configuration

The first time you open nvim it will show a bunch of errors. This is because we need to install all the plugins. Open nvim and run :PlugInstall to install them. Once it finishes restart nvim. Everything should work as expected after the restart.

Reset nvim to see the new plugins in action.

Tinker Tool

Consider using Tinker Tool to change the behavior of the finder and dock application.

Yabai and Skhd

Lastly, install yabai and skhd by following their respective guides.


CloudBridge Personal Development Environment







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