This is the official Cloudsdale press pack including all colors, images, fonts and the proper way to use them.
The primary blue Cloudsdale color has the hex value of #63a0d0
(blue) and it's darker varient the hex
value of #3f85b3
(blue). These two colors are primarily used for link hover colors or other foreground
Our first secondary color is #4d4d4d
(gray) and is used for text against our primary background color
(light gray). Inner content usually have the font color of #222222
(dim black) against a
background color of #ffffff
- Errors | Bright
- Dark#B74C49
- Success | Bright
- Dark#70B400
The colored icon should primarly be used in the context if other artwork where you need more depth. The color icon is our primary promotional icon and should preferably your first choice.
The Cloudsdale Color Icon should never:
- Use any other color scheme
- Have it's shape modified
The Cloudsdale Color Icon can:
- Be grayscaled or use a hue
- Be used against any background
The black and white icons are to be used against very plain backgrounds where contrast is key. The black icon should be used against a bright background and the white one should be used against a brightly coloured background, makes sense right? If you want to recolor the black or the white icon we permit the use of the blue or gray colors specified above Colors part of this readme.
The Cloudsdale Black or White icon should never:
- Have a gradient or use two or more different colors
- Have it's shape modified
- Be a color outside our palette
- Have a distinct border
The Cloudsdale Black or White icon can:
- Have an inset shadow
- Be used against any background color