const axios = await npmModule('axios')
const response = axios.get('')
const remoteData =
const content = HTML`web data is ${remoteData}`
Mercury is note system such as Apache Zeppelin, Jupyter.
Mercury can visualize data through JavaScript
Easy to implement web app by discovery data and Share to other people mercury note through mercury exported note.
And Mercury support npm module(browser/backend) install to use.
If you will use to puppeteer(or other backend side library) and make a small web app,
mercury is good way for your needs.
Many big data tools has REST API, Mercury can make visualization as good as use through that.
Mercury has integrated backend-side and frontend-side. so, if you need to make a front visualization from backend-side data. mercury make will super easy.
official npm repository has many library and echo system. mercury can use any library.
Running javascript with npm module ( hello-mercury )
git clone
cd mercury/modules/core
npm install
npm run build
cd ../..
npm install
npm run start && npm run dev
cd mercury
npm run start && npm run dev
npm run build
npm run build:win
npm run build:osx
And, You can find out mercury installation file in dist directory.