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Powershell module for Cosmos DB operations


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Powershell module for Cosmos DB operations

GitHub Workflow - CI GitHub release (latest by date)


Install-Module cosmos-db



Extracts and parses the response Content of other commands and handles known error codes (404, 429)

Generally this is pipelined after another command which returns an HTTP response - e.g. Get-CosmosDbRecord ... | Get-CosmosDbRecordContent


Fetches a single DB record, returns the HTTP response of the lookup


$record = Get-CosmosDbRecord ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent


Name Usage Required
ResourceGroup Azure Resource Group of the database Yes
Database The database name Yes
Container The container name inside the database Yes
Collection The collection name inside the container Yes
RecordId The resource id Yes
SubscriptionId The Azure Subscription Id No - defaults to whatever az defaults to
PartitionKey The partition key of the resource No - defaults to RecordId
Must be set if the collection uses a different parition scheme


Fetches all DB record, returns the HTTP response. The records will be within the Documents property of the result.


$records = Get-AllCosmosDbRecords ... 
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % Documents


Name Usage Required
ResourceGroup Azure Resource Group of the database Yes
Database The database name Yes
Container The container name inside the database Yes
Collection The collection name inside the container Yes
SubscriptionId The Azure Subscription Id No - defaults to whatever az defaults to


Queries the DB, returns the HTTP response. The records will be within the Documents property of the result.

This function is also used to perform aggregate queries (e.g. count, TOP, etc) - see examples below.


# Basic query with no parameters
$records = Search-CosmosDbRecords -Query "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.Id in (1, 2, 3)" ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % Documents

# Basic query with parameters as name value pairs
$parameters = @( 
  @{ name = "@id"; value = "1234" },
  @{ name = "@number"; value = 5678 }
$records = Search-CosmosDbRecords -Query "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.Id = @id and c.Number > @number" -Parameters $parameters ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % Documents

# Basic query with parameters as hashtable
$parameters = @{
  "@id" = "1234";
  "@number" = 5678;
$records = Search-CosmosDbRecords -Query "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.Id = @id and c.Number > @number" -Parameters $parameters ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % Documents

# Query TOP 10 records
$records = Search-CosmosDbRecords -Query "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM c" ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % Documents

# Count records by a property (aggregate example)
# Note: the results are within the Payload property of Documents and the aggregate value is inside the Item property of the aggregate value
$records = Search-CosmosDbRecords -Query "SELECT count(1) as Cnt, c.Property FROM c GROUP BY c.Property" ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % { $_.Documents.Payload }
| % { @{ Property = $_.Property; Count = $_.Cnt.Item} }


Name Usage Required
ResourceGroup Azure Resource Group of the database Yes
Database The database name Yes
Container The container name inside the database Yes
Collection The collection name inside the container Yes
Query The query as a string with optional parameters Yes
Parameters Parameters values used in the query. Accepts an array of name-value pairs or a hashtable No
SubscriptionId The Azure Subscription Id No - defaults to whatever az defaults to
DisableExtraFeatures Disables extra query features required to perform operations like aggregates, TOP, or DISTINCT. Should be used in case the support for these operations has a bug 😄 See the Cosmos DB docs here. No - defaults to false


Creates a single DB record, returns the HTTP response of the operation


# Add a record
New-CosmosDbRecord -Object $record ...

# Add a record from pipeline
$record | New-CosmosDbRecord ...

# Add a record with a custom PartitionKey
$record | New-CosmosDbRecord -PartitionKey $record.PartitionKey ...

# Add several records with a custom PartitionKey
$recordList | New-CosmosDbRecord -GetPartitionKeyBlock { param($r) $r.PartitionKey } ...

# Copy all records from one collection to another
Get-AllCosmosDbRecords -Collection "Collection1" ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % Documents 
| New-CosmosDbRecord -Collection "Collection2" ...


Name Usage Required
Object The record to create Yes
Accepts value from pipeline
ResourceGroup Azure Resource Group of the database Yes
Database The database name Yes
Container The container name inside the database Yes
Collection The collection name inside the container Yes
SubscriptionId The Azure Subscription Id No - defaults to whatever az defaults to
PartitionKey The partition key of the resource No - defaults to Id
Must be set if the collection uses a different parition scheme
GetPartitionKeyBlock Callback to get the PartitionKey from Object - useful in pipelines No - used only if PartitionKey is not set


Updates a single DB record, returns the HTTP response of the operation

The record must exist, if it does not the result is a 404


# Update a record
Update-CosmosDbRecord -Object $record ...

# Update a record from pipeline
$record | Update-CosmosDbRecord ...

# Update a record with a custom PartitionKey
$record | Update-CosmosDbRecord -PartitionKey $record.PartitionKey ...

# Update several records with a custom PartitionKey
$recordList | Update-CosmosDbRecord -GetPartitionKeyBlock { param($r) $r.PartitionKey } ...

# Updates all records in a DB
$records = Get-AllCosmosDbRecords ...
| Get-CosmosDbRecordContent 
| % Documents 
$records | foreach { $_.Value = "NewValue" }
$records | Update-CosmosDbRecord ...


Name Usage Required
Object The record to create Yes
Accepts value from pipeline
ResourceGroup Azure Resource Group of the database Yes
Database The database name Yes
Container The container name inside the database Yes
Collection The collection name inside the container Yes
SubscriptionId The Azure Subscription Id No - defaults to whatever az defaults to
PartitionKey The partition key of the resource No - defaults to Id
Must be set if the collection uses a different parition scheme
GetPartitionKeyBlock Callback to get the PartitionKey from Object - useful in pipelines No - used only if PartitionKey is not set
EnforceOptimisticConcurrency Enables or disables optimistic concurrency checks No - default is enabled


Deletes a single DB record, returns the HTTP response of the operation


Remove-CosmosDbRecord ...


Name Usage Required
ResourceGroup Azure Resource Group of the database Yes
Database The database name Yes
Container The container name inside the database Yes
Collection The collection name inside the container Yes
RecordId The resource id No - if not set, must supply RecordId
Object The record to delete - must minimally have an id property No - if not set, must supply RecordId
Accepts value from pipeline
SubscriptionId The Azure Subscription Id No - defaults to whatever az defaults to
PartitionKey The partition key of the resource No - defaults to Id
Must be set if the collection uses a different parition scheme
GetPartitionKeyBlock Callback to get the PartitionKey from Object - useful in pipelines No - used only if PartitionKey is not set


Enables or disables using readonly DB keys in commands. By default this is disabled (i.e. writable keys are used).


# Enable using readonly keys

# Disable using readonly keys (use writable keys)
Use-CosmosDbReadonlyKeys -Disable


Name Usage Required
Disable Disables readonly keys if set (enables writable keys) No - default is $false (which will enable readonly keys)


Enables or disables internal flags in the module, normally should only be used for debugging or dogfooding


Use-CosmosDbInternalFlag -EnableFiddlerDebugging $true


Name Usage Required
EnableFiddlerDebugging Sets the az flag env:AZURE_CLI_DISABLE_CONNECTION_VERIFICATION which enables az commands with a Fiddler proxy No - default is disabled
EnableCaching Enables/disables caching certain values like DB keys, partition ranges, etc. Improves performance of nearly all operations. No - default is enabled
EnablePartitionKeyRangeSearches [Experimental] Enables/disables filtering Search queries to relevant partition ranges instead of a full scan. Improves performance of Search commands. No - default is disabled
EnableAuthHeaderReuse Enables/disables reusing auth headers for commands which use continuation tokens, like Search-CosmosDbRecords or Get-AllCosmosDbRecords. No - default is enabled
EnableMasterKeyAuth Enables/disables using master key based authentication instead of Entra Id. No - default is disabled

Error Handling

Any failed requests to the Cosmos DB API are returned from the calling command in the following format:

    "StatusCode": 404,
    "Content": "{\"Message\":\"...\" ...}",
    "RawResponse": { "<HttpResponseMessage (PS7) or WebResponse (PS5)>" }

Failed reponsed can be piped into Get-CosmosDbRecordContent in the same way as successful messages. It will check for common issues (record not found, DB not found, throttling, etc) and throw an appropriate message.