GH4W has been abandoned, but the only thing I really used it for was installing git and posh-git on my system. I've created this script/utility set to replace that. In particular, I liked the way the powershell was configured so that the posh-git stuff did not pollute an 'ordinary' powershell session.
most of the comments below apply to gitInstConf.cmd. Scripts for other utilities/scenarios have been separated into envInstConf.cmd, gitSSLConf.cmd (just rebundles the windows certs), and minbootstrap.cmd
As far as I can tell, GH4W did the following:
- Install/Configure portable git
- Install/Configure gitpad
- Install Posh-Git
- bundle the Windows root CAs into the git ssl ca list
- create shortcuts
- create a SSH key in github
My utility does all of that (maybe not so well) except for the SSH key. I use chocolatey to install Git (not portable) and Posh-Git
The GH4W put many of the settings in the system .gitconfig, which I don't really agree with, but I've copied for now
Some of the settings are my own preferences:
- the posh-git color overrides
- use p4 for diff/merge
- git alias and color settings
I've also configured things the way they are if you select the powershell option (as opposed to git bash or cmd)
Biggest TODO is to handle upgrades to installed components git for windows can also now be installed to use schannel, making the bundling of the windows certs unnecessary
- UX is bad. Maybe a front-end UI / checklist control to select what will be installed and prompt for anay data (e.g. name/email)
- better handling of upgrades to installed components
- ignore outdated packages not affected by this install script
- other text editor options ? (notepad++, sublime, etc.)
- stop using system settings
- make sure posh-git prompt has font set properly (bug: after launching the prompt, the console font resets on its own to a bad one)
- git-bash support (maybe set prompt to match posh-git ala
git logo/icon:
powershell icon: ??
overlay idea based on:
pscolor.ps1: based on Update-Link.ps1 from
BundleWinCerts: (Don't think I copied anyone's code, If you recognize something, let me know)
- chocolatey install:
- set reg path: -environment-variable-without-expanding-tokens
- poke env:
- shortcut:
Windows 10 1803+ installs a native ssh client and server, but the server is not enabled by default. If you start a posh-git prompt and see the following error:
unable to start ssh-agent service, error :1058
Error connecting to agent: No such file or directory
make sure the service is present but disabled: Get-service ssh-agent | Select *
Name : ssh-agent
RequiredServices : {}
CanPauseAndContinue : False
CanShutdown : False
CanStop : False
DisplayName : OpenSSH Authentication Agent
DependentServices : {}
MachineName : .
ServiceName : ssh-agent
ServicesDependedOn : {}
ServiceHandle : SafeServiceHandle
Status : *Stopped*
ServiceType : Win32OwnProcess
StartType : Disabled
Site :
fix this by enabling the service. In an elevated powershell prompt:
Get-service ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Manual