Emergency Department Design tool created for GT ISYE Senior Design.
The Hopt tool is a website with 4 pages: Home, Inputs, Config, and Opt.
These pages can be navigated using the toolbar on the top of the website.
Home: Explains what the tool does.
Inputs: Specify inputs for a specific hospital.
Config: Test alternative configurations.
Opt: Find the lowest cost room configuration.
- Server will not run without Simio installed.
- To just run: Open HoptServer\bin\Debug\HoptServer.exe
- To develop: Install Visual Studio, install .NET Framework 4.5
Install Node.js and then:
$ git clone git://github.com/hzoo/Hopt
$ cd hopt
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt watch
to run: open HoptClient\build\index.html or HoptClient\bin\index.html after running grunt.
- Angular.js
- Angular UI
- UI Router
- UI Bootstrap
- ng-grid
- Angular UI
- ng-boilerplate