This package can be used to solve the one-dimensional time-dependent residual Schrödinger equation:
which is equivalent to the usual Schrödinger equation, but particularly well-suited for semi-classical problems. In the equation,
The package can also be used to solve the original Schrödinger equation, as well as Hamilton's equations for the trajectory of a classical point particle in one dimension. The quantum solvers use the Crank-Nicolson method for integrating the Schrödinger equation.
See also
Clone the git repository:
git clone [email protected]:cnoelle/schroedinger-numerics.git
The Julia programming environment is needed: Once Julia is installed, the following step needs to be executed once. In a shell, go to this directory and run
add Pkg
In a shell, go to the base directory (this dir). Then:
- type
to enter the Julia shell - type
to activate the Julia package mode - type
activate .
to activate the present environment - Hit Backspace to leave the package mode
- type
using SchroedingerNumerics
to import the library and make it available in the current shell session
The generic type for observables, i.e. real functions of two variables x
(position) and p
(momentum) is called AbstractObservable
. Several sub-interfaces and implementations are provided:
: interface for observables that depend only onx
. Note that these functions by convention must accept either a single argument,x
, or two arguments,x
.XPolynomial <: AbstractXFunction
: A polynomial inx
, defined by its set of coefficients[V_0, ..., V_k]
in the expansionV(x) = V_0 + V_1 x + ... + 1/k! V_k x^k
.XFunction <: AbstractXFunction
: A generic function(x,p=nothing) -> f(x)
. The simplest constructor takes only the function itself, but it is also possible to pass a second function for the derivatives off
, which is often beneficial if a closed form of the derivatives is known. The signature of the second argument is(diffOrder::Int, x::Real, p::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing) -> Real
.SampledXFunction <: AbstractXFunction
: A function defined by a vector of values at specific points.
: a monomial inp
, defined by its power. Note that while no type for general polynomials inp
is provided, they can be constructed by adding multiple monomials, e.g.2 * PMonomial(1) + 3 * PMonomial(3)
for the expression2p + 3p^3
Points in phase space implement the interface AbstractPoint
, a concrete version is
struct Point <: AbstractPoint
The function pin(p::AbstractPoint)::Point
creates a concrete point from an abstract one. Observables can be added and multiplied, and they can be evaluated on points:
# a harmonic oscillator:
H = PMonomial(2)/2 + XPolynomial([0, 0, 1])
point = Point(2, 3)
# alternatively, we can call H(point.q, point.p)
Some configuration parameters for the quantum simulation are defined in the class SchroedingerConfig
. All parameters have a default value.
: Planck's constant. Default value:0.001
Create an instance:
config = SchroedingerConfig(hbar=0.01)
Wave functions
The generic type for a wave function is called AbstractWaveFunction
. Note that wave functions are not time-dependent here, they should be thought of as snapshots at a specific instant of time.
Typical implementations include PointsWaveFunction
and PositionWaveFunction
, both defined in position space, the first one by means of sampled values at specific grid points, the second one by a function of a single variable x
"A wave function defined in position space by its values at a set of fixed points"
struct PointsWaveFunction <: AbstractWaveFunction
"base points in x coordinates"
points::AbstractArray{<:Real, 1}
"values of the wave function at the base points"
values::AbstractArray{<:Complex, 1}
end # PointsWaveFunction
"A wave function defined in position space by an arbitrary function of one real variable"
struct PositionWaveFunction <: AbstractWaveFunction
end # PositionWaveFunction
The generic type of a quantum representation is called QmRepresentation
Only the position space representation is implemented, in a type PositionRepresentation
. It contains the grid of points for which the simulation is calculated. Example: rep = PositionRepresentation(range(-100, 100), config)
, for a grid with step size 1 ranging from -100
to 100
Representations can be used to map observables to matrix operators and wave functions to an array of values.
function asOperator(V::AbstractObservable, representation::QmRepresentation)::Operator
function values(psi::AbstractWaveFunction, representation::QmRepresentation)::AbstractArray{<:Complex, 1}
"The inverse function of values(psi, representation)"
function asWavefunction(values::AbstractArray{<:Number, 1}, representation::QmRepresentation; cacheNorm::Bool = true)::AbstractWaveFunction
Here the Operator
type is a union including AbstractArray{<:Number, 2}
, it can act on the values obtained from the wave function.
Once a representation is given, we can also calculate the inner product and the norm squared of wave functions, and the expectation value of an observable on a wave function:
function innerProduct(psi::AbstractWaveFunction, phi::AbstractWaveFunction, representation::QmRepresentation)::Number
function norm_sqr(psi::AbstractWaveFunction, representation::QmRepresentation)::Real
function expectationValue(psi::AbstractWaveFunction, f::AbstractObservable, representation::QmRepresentation)::Real
The three types ClassicalSystem, QmSystem, QmSystemResidual
are the main entry points to a simulation. See examples below (Classical system, Quantum system, Residual quantum system).
In order to record the results at every simulation step the trace
-function can be used. For example:
system0::Union{ClassicalSystem, QmSystem, QmSystemResidual} =
# solve the equations of motion for 1000 timesteps and store results
system1 = trace(system0, 1000, folder="./results/mySystem")
A set of files containing the simulation results will be created in the specified folder. The exact filenames depend on the type of system that was used (classical, quantum, or residual quantum). For a classical system, two files settings.json and points.csv are created, with the latter containing the classical trajectory and the observables.
Instead of trace
there is also a propagate
method with similar effect, which will also solve the underlying equations of motion (Hamilton, Schrödinger, or both in the residual scheme), but does not record results in files:
system1 = propagate(system0, 1000)
A simple web app for visualizing the results of the simulations is provided in the viz folder. It can be run locally and is also available via Github pages: (sometimes causes issues with Firefox, Chrome/Chromium seems to be better supported). In order to view the results of a simulation run recorded with the trace
function, upload all the files created in the respective folder and click Upload.
To run the visualization locally in NodeJS, navigate to the viz folder in a shell and install the dependencies once:
npm install
To start the app, run
npm run start
This will spin up a development server, and the app can be accessed in the browser at http://localhost:8080.
You can then upload the files created by a trace operation, see Systems as simulation containers and start the animation.
TODO: how to run in Docker
Here is an example how to integrate Hamilton's equations for the harmonic oscillator. It uses the default symplectic Euler method.
# the initial condition for Hamilton's equations, q=1, p=0
startingPoint = Point(1., 0.)
# the Hamiltonian, a harmonic oscillator with m=1 and \omega=1
H = PMonomial(2)/2 + XPolynomial([0, 0, 1])
T = 2 * pi # the oscillation period of the oscillator
steps = 1000
deltaT=T/steps # deltaT = 1000th part of an oscillation period
system0 = ClassicalSystem(startingPoint, H, deltaT)
# here we solve the Hamilton's equations for one full oscillation cycle
system1 = propagate(system0, steps)
# Alternatively, we could have recorded the results using trace, for later visualization:
#system1 = trace(system1, steps, folder="results/harmonicOscillator/classical")
endPoint = system1.currentState
# validate the norm preservation (harmonics oscillator trajectories form a circle for our params)
using LinearAlgebra
E0 = H(startingPoint)
E1 = H(endPoint)
# this one should be pretty small
difference = abs(2*(E1-E0)/(E0+E1))
pointsDiff = LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(endPoint - startingPoint) / LinearAlgebra.norm_sqr(startingPoint)
println("Energy deviation after one oscillation cycle: ", difference, ". E0 = ", E0, ", E1 = ", E1)
println("Points deviation after one oscillation cycle: ", pointsDiff)
In this particular example we can even determine the solutions of Hamilton's equations analytically: q(t) = cos(t), p(t)=-sin(t)
, hence it is possible to compare the above numerical solution to the known exact one:
c = (t::Real) -> Point(cos(t), -sin(t))
exactScheme = ExactTrajectory(c)
system0Exact = ClassicalSystem(startingPoint, H, deltaT, scheme=exactScheme)
system1Exact = propagate(system0Exact, steps)
endPointExact = system1Exact.currentState
println("Exact propagation end point: ", pin(endPointExact), ", simulated end point: ", endPoint, ", and expected end point=starting point: ", startingPoint)
Numerical solution
Below is an example how to solve the standard Schrödinger equation in the position representation, again for the harmonic oscillator. This uses the default CrankNicolson integration scheme.
config = SchroedingerConfig(hbar=0.001)
# using again the harmonic oscillator example from above
H = PMonomial(2)/2 + XPolynomial([0, 0, 1])
# the harmonic oscillator ground state, see e.g.; this is a Gaussian with variance \sqrt{\hbar}
psi0 = PositionWaveFunction(x -> exp(-x^2 / 2/config.hbar))
# introducing a grid with 401 points
rep = PositionRepresentation(range(-0.2, 0.2, step=0.001), config)
steps = 1000
T = 4 * pi # the oscillation period of the ground state
deltaT=T/steps # 1000th part of an oscillation period
systemQm0 = QmSystem(psi0, H, rep, deltaT)
# here we solve the Schrödinger equation for one full oscillation cycle and store the results for visualization
systemQm1 = trace(systemQm0, steps, folder="results/harmonicOscillator/groundStateQm")
psi1 = systemQm1.currentState
Exact solution
Since we also know the exact solution in this case, we can compare it as follows:
# the ground state energy is \hbar\omega/2
psi0Exact = ExactWaveFunction((t::Real, x::Real) -> exp(-x^2 / 2/config.hbar)*exp(-im/2*t))
systemQm0Exact = QmSystem(psi0Exact, H, rep, deltaT, scheme=ExactPropagation())
# instead of propagate we could also use trace here, recording the results
systemQm1Exact = propagate(systemQm0Exact, steps)
psi1Exact = systemQm1Exact.currentState
psiDiffEx=norm_sqr(psi1-psi1Exact, rep)/norm_sqr(psi1Exact, rep)
println("The deviation from the exact solution is ", psiDiffEx)
The following example using a coherent state solution for the harmonic oscillator demonstrates the difficulties in integrating the Schrödinger equation for semi-classical wave functions directly. In the example we select our wave function to be concentrated at (q_0, p_0) = (1, 0)
initially, so in perfect analogy to the classical example above. Furthermore, it is the initial condition of a so-called coherent state, which is known to reproduce exactly the classical trajectory in the time evolution of its expectation values <q>
and <p>
config = SchroedingerConfig(hbar=0.001)
# using again the harmonic oscillator example from above
H = PMonomial(2)/2 + XPolynomial([0, 0, 1])
psi0Coherent = PositionWaveFunction((x::Real) -> exp(-1/2/config.hbar * (x-1)^2))
T = 2 * pi # the oscillation period of the classical oscillator
steps = 1000
deltaT=T/steps # deltaT = 1000th part of an oscillation period
# here we need to enlarge the grid, because the wave function now oscillates between -1 and 1. The width of the initial wave function remains roughly 0.03, so we keep the step size as before
repCoh = PositionRepresentation(range(-1.2, 1.2, step=0.001), config)
systemCoherent0 = QmSystem(psi0Coherent, H, repCoh, deltaT)
systemCoherent1 = trace(systemCoherent0, steps, folder="results/harmonicOscillator/coherentStateQm")
psi1Coherent = systemCoherent1.currentState
# the observables \hat q and \hat p
q = XPolynomial([0, 1])
p = PMonomial(1)
q0 = expectationValue(psi0Coherent, q, repCoh)
p0 = expectationValue(psi0Coherent, p, repCoh)
q1 = expectationValue(psi1Coherent, q, repCoh)
p1 = expectationValue(psi1Coherent, p, repCoh)
print("After one oscillation period the initial point ($(q0), $(p0)) moved to ($(q1), $(p1))" )
We would have expected the points to be equal, but they are not, due to insufficient resolution of our grid. This is an indication of the problems one encounters in the semi-classical value range.
Exact solution
psi0Exact = ExactWaveFunction((t::Real, x::Real) ->
exp(-(x-cos(t))^2 / 2/config.hbar)*exp(-im/2*t +im/2/config.hbar*sin(t)*(cos(t)-2x)))
repCohEx = PositionRepresentation(range(-1.2, 1.2, step=0.01), config)
systemQm0Exact = QmSystem(psi0Exact, H, repCohEx, deltaT, scheme=ExactPropagation())
systemCoherent1 = propagate(systemQm0Exact, steps)
psi1CoherentExact = systemCoherent1.currentState
q1Ex = expectationValue(psi1CoherentExact, q, repCoh)
p1Ex = expectationValue(psi1CoherentExact, p, repCoh)
print("After one oscillation period the initial point ($(q0), $(p0)) moved along the exact trajectory to ($(q1Ex), $(p1Ex))" )
Finally, again the harmonic oscillator coherent state example, but this time solved in the residual representation.
config = SchroedingerConfig(hbar=0.001)
# using again the harmonic oscillator example from above
H = PMonomial(2)/2 + XPolynomial([0, 0, 1])
# the same wave function as in the coherent state example above
psi0 = PositionWaveFunction((x::Real) -> exp(-1/2/config.hbar * (x-1)^2))
point0 = Point(1, 0)
Phi0 = weylTranslate(psi0, point0, config.hbar)
T = 2 * pi # the oscillation period of the classical oscillator
steps = 1000
deltaT=T/steps # deltaT = 1000th part of an oscillation period
# here we need to enlarge the grid, because the wave function now oscillates between -1 and 1. The width of the initial wave function remains roughly 0.03, so we keep the step size as before
rep = PositionRepresentation(range(-0.2, 0.2, step=0.001), config)
# The original wave function must be considered on a larger grid; but we do not need a fine resolution for it
psiRep = PositionRepresentation(range(-1.2, 1.2, step=0.01), config)
systemResidual0 = QmSystemResidual(point0, Phi0, H, rep, deltaT, psiRepresentation=psiRep, classicalResolutionFactor=100)
systemResidual1 = trace(systemResidual0, steps, folder="results/harmonicOscillator/coherentStateQmResidual")
point1 = pin(systemResidual1.currentState.point)
Phi1 = systemResidual1.currentState.Phi
psi1 = getPsi(systemResidual1.currentState)
# the observables \hat q and \hat p
q = XPolynomial([0, 1])
p = PMonomial(1)
q1 = expectationValue(psi1, q, psiRep)
p1 = expectationValue(psi1, p, psiRep)
print("In one classical oscillation period the initial point $(point0) moved along the residual Schrödinger equation to ($(q1), $(p1))" )
Note: this is about storing a system at one specific timestamp. In order to record the evolution of a system over time see the trace
function .
Store system data
system::ClassicalSystem = ...
store(system, "./someFolder/classicalSystem.json")
Depending on the type of Hamiltonian it may be necessary to provide a set of base points on which the potential is sampled: store(system, systemFile, range(-100, 100, step=0.2))
. This is not required for polynomials or sampled x
functions. If the process involves sampling then it is not lossless. For instance, if the potential is defined by a Julia function: V = XFunction(x -> tanh(x^2))
, then persisting the potential requires selecting some grid points for sampling and only the corresponding values will be stored and recovered.
Load system data
system0::Union{ClassicalSystem, QmSystem, QmSystemResidual} =
# solve the equations of motion for a single timestep
system1 = propagate(system0, 1)
A few examples are provided in the subfolder ./examples
, they can be loaded using the loadSystem
method. For example:
freeGaussianWavePacket = loadSystem("examples/freeParticle/gaussian.json")
trace(freeGaussianWavePacket, 1000, folder="results/freeParticle/wavePacket")
For a more extensive set of examples developed from scratch see