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Constantin Dumitrescu edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 1 revision

Objective: Improve the ergonomics of writing applications

Motivation: Good ergonomics make people happy

Description: Writing code for any framework contains repetitive blocks of text. This becomes tedious especially at the beginning of a new application or feature that contains many parts which each require the same block of text.

Speed/cost/quality benefits:

  • Reduce the amount of keyboard strokes makes developers focus more on the actual implementation
  • Better code quality as developers are more inclined to separate logic into multiple files
  • Autocompletion acting as “training wheels” for new adopters of C11 Engine can speed up adoption

Developer experience:

  • Remove the mental fatigue of repeating code
  • Decrease the likelihood of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) with the Engine
  • Improved focus during development