Detox Helper for CodeceptJS
Testing Mobile Apps on iOS and Android can look like this:
I.fillField('#text', 'a new text');
I.see('a new text', '#textValue');
I.dontSeeElement('#createdAndVisibleText');{ ios: '#GoButton', android: 'Button' });
I.waitForElement('#createdAndVisibleText', 20);
I.runOnAndroid(() => {'Save');
I.see('Text Saved', '#message');
I.runOnIOS(() => {'SAVE');
Example output:
creating output directory: /Users/runner/work/detox-helper/detox-helper/test/output
nodeInfo: 20.14.0
osInfo: macOS 14.5
cpuInfo: (3) arm64 Apple M1 (Virtual)
chromeInfo: 125.0.6422.142
edgeInfo: Not Found
firefoxInfo: undefined
safariInfo: 17.5
If you need more detailed info, just run this: npx codeceptjs info
CodeceptJS v3.6.3 #StandWithUkraine
Using test root "/Users/runner/work/detox-helper/detox-helper/test"
Helpers: Detox, ExpectHelper
Plugins: screenshotOnFail
Acceptance Tests --
[1] Starting recording promises
11:44:06.770 detox[8813] i App started
11:44:28.445 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:44:28.557 detox[8813] i --- STARTED "before each" hook: Before for "App started" ---
11:44:28.583 detox[8813] i I launch app
11:44:30.037 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:44:30.043 detox[8813] i I wait for element visible "#hello_button", 15
11:44:31.253 detox[8813] i --- ENDED "before each" hook: Before for "App started" ---
11:44:31.273 detox[8813] i I see "Welcome"
11:44:31.289 detox[8813] i ✔ OK in 25ms
11:44:31.289 detox[8813] i
11:44:31.301 detox[8813] i Get platform
11:44:34.736 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:44:40.582 detox[8813] i --- STARTED "before each" hook: Before for "Get platform" ---
11:44:40.588 detox[8813] i I launch app
11:44:42.271 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:44:42.274 detox[8813] i I wait for element visible "#hello_button", 15
11:44:43.126 detox[8813] i --- ENDED "before each" hook: Before for "Get platform" ---
11:44:43.150 detox[8813] i I grab platform
11:44:43.152 detox[8813] i I expect ""ios"" to equal ""ios""
11:44:43.158 detox[8813] i ✔ OK in 31ms
11:44:43.158 detox[8813] i
11:44:43.166 detox[8813] i Show hello screen after tap
11:44:46.251 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:44:52.308 detox[8813] i --- STARTED "before each" hook: Before for "Show hello screen after tap" ---
11:44:52.321 detox[8813] i I launch app
11:47:22.243 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:47:22.319 detox[8813] i I wait for element visible "#hello_button", 15
11:47:23.637 detox[8813] i --- ENDED "before each" hook: Before for "Show hello screen after tap" ---
11:47:23.668 detox[8813] i I dont see "Hello!!!"
11:47:23.699 detox[8813] i I click "#hello_button"
11:47:24.308 detox[8813] i I see "Hello!!!"
11:47:24.323 detox[8813] i ✔ OK in 684ms
11:47:24.323 detox[8813] i
11:47:24.334 detox[8813] i Show world screen after tap
11:47:27.298 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:47:33.604 detox[8813] i --- STARTED "before each" hook: Before for "Show world screen after tap" ---
11:47:33.608 detox[8813] i I launch app
11:47:36.074 detox[8813] i com.wix.demo.react.native launched. To watch simulator logs, run:
/usr/bin/xcrun simctl spawn F44382C2-F0BE-466A-9683-AA6B37591FBA log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate 'process == "example"'
11:47:36.110 detox[8813] i I wait for element visible "#hello_button", 15
11:47:36.450 detox[8813] i --- ENDED "before each" hook: Before for "Show world screen after tap" ---
11:47:36.452 detox[8813] i I click "#world_button"
11:47:37.314 detox[8813] i I see "World!!!"
11:47:37.408 detox[8813] i ✔ OK in 935ms
11:47:37.409 detox[8813] i
11:47:37.468 detox[8813] i
11:47:37.470 detox[8813] i OK | 4 passed // 7m
CodeceptJS provides next features over standard Detox:
- Unified API. The same test can be executed in Appium or Detox. Unified API helps different teams to use the same syntax and easy port tests from one engine to another.
- Interactive pause. When starting/stopping an application takes a long time, debugging and writing tests can be hard. CodeceptJS solves this by pausing an execution and letting you try different commands and locators. With this feature a test can be writtern during one running session.
- One Test For Android and IOS. When application differs on Android and IOS you can provide corresponding system-related locators for both systems. When needed a different code can be executed for Android and IOS keeping it inside the same test.
- Detox
- Setup
- Configuration
- Parameters
- saveScreenshot
- relaunchApp
- launchApp
- installApp
- shakeDevice
- goBack
- setLandscapeOrientation
- setPortraitOrientation
- grabPlatform
- runOnIOS
- runOnAndroid
- tap
- multiTap
- longPress
- click
- tapByLabel
- clickAtPoint
- see
- dontSee
- seeElement
- checkIfElementExists
- dontSeeElement
- seeElementExists
- dontSeeElementExists
- fillField
- tapReturnKey
- clearField
- appendField
- scrollUp
- scrollDown
- scrollLeft
- scrollRight
- swipeUp
- swipeDown
- swipeLeft
- swipeRight
- wait
- waitForElement
- waitForElementVisible
- waitToHide
- scrollToElement
Extends Helper
This is a wrapper on top of Detox library, aimied to unify testing experience for CodeceptJS framework. Detox provides a grey box testing for mobile applications, playing especially good for React Native apps.
Detox plays quite differently from Appium. To establish detox testing you need to build a mobile application in a special way to inject Detox code. This why Detox is grey box testing solution, so you need access to application source code, and a way to build and execute it on emulator.
Comparing to Appium, Detox runs faster and more stable but requires an additional setup for build.
Build an application using
detox build
command. -
Install CodeceptJS and detox-helper:
npm i @codeceptjs/detox-helper --save
Detox configuration is required in package.json
under detox
If you completed step 1 and step 2 you should have a configuration similar this:
"detox": {
"configurations": {
"ios.sim.debug": {
"device": "simulator",
"app": "ios.debug"
"apps": {
"ios.debug": {
"type": "",
"binaryPath": "../test/ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/",
"build": "xcodebuild -workspace ../test/ios/MyTestApp.xcworkspace -scheme MyTestApp -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ../test/ios/build"
"devices": {
"simulator": {
"type": "ios.simulator",
"device": {
"type": "iPhone 15"
Besides Detox configuration, CodeceptJS should also be configured to use Detox.
In codecept.conf.js
enable Detox helper:
helpers: {
Detox: {
require: '@codeceptjs/detox-helper',
configuration: '<detox-configuration-name>',
It's important to specify a package name under require
section and current detox configuration taken from package.json
- a detox configuration name. Required.reloadReactNative
- should be enabled for React Native applications.reuse
- reuse application for tests. By default, Detox reinstalls and relaunches app.registerGlobals
- (default: true) Register Detox helper functionsby
Saves a screenshot to the output dir
Relaunches an application.
Launches an application. If application instance already exists, use relaunchApp.
Installs a configured application. Application is installed by default.
Shakes the device.
Goes back on Android
I.goBack(); // on Android only
Switches device to landscape orientation
Switches device to portrait orientation
Grab the device platform
const platform = await I.grabPlatform();
Execute code only on iOS
I.runOnIOS(() => {'Button');
I.see('Hi, IOS');
Function a function which will be executed on iOS
Execute code only on Android
I.runOnAndroid(() => {'Button');
I.see('Hi, Android');
Function a function which will be executed on android
Taps on an element. Element can be located by its text or id or accessibility id.
The second parameter is a context element to narrow the search.
Same as click
I.tap('Login'); // locate by text
I.tap('~nav-1'); // locate by accessibility label
I.tap('#user'); // locate by id
I.tap('Login', '#nav'); // locate by text inside #nav
I.tap({ ios: 'Save', android: 'SAVE' }, '#main'); // different texts on iOS and Android
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) (optional, defaultnull
Multi taps on an element. Element can be located by its text or id or accessibility id.
Set the number of taps in second argument. Optionally define the context element by third argument.
I.multiTap('Login', 2); // locate by text
I.multiTap('~nav', 2); // locate by accessibility label
I.multiTap('#user', 2); // locate by id
I.multiTap('Update', 2, '#menu'); // locate by id
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString element to locatenum
number number of tapscontext
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) context element (optional, defaultnull
Taps an element and holds for a requested time.
I.longPress('Login', 2); // locate by text, hold for 2 seconds
I.longPress('~nav', 1); // locate by accessibility label, hold for second
I.longPress('Update', 2, '#menu'); // locate by text inside #menu, hold for 2 seconds
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString element to locatesec
number number of seconds to hold tapcontext
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) context element (optional, defaultnull
Clicks on an element. Element can be located by its text or id or accessibility id
The second parameter is a context (id | type | accessibility id) to narrow the search.
Same as tap'Login'); // locate by text'~nav-1'); // locate by accessibility label'#user'); // locate by id'Login', '#nav'); // locate by text inside #nav{ ios: 'Save', android: 'SAVE' }, '#main'); // different texts on iOS and Android
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) (optional, defaultnull
Clicks on an element. Element can be located by its label
The second parameter is a context (id | type | accessibility id) to narrow the search.
I.tapByLabel('Login'); // locate by text
I.tapByLabel('Login', '#nav'); // locate by text inside #nav
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) (optional, defaultnull
Performs click on element with horizontal and vertical offset. An element is located by text, id, accessibility id.
I.clickAtPoint('Save', 10, 10);
I.clickAtPoint('~save', 10, 10); // locate by accessibility id
number horizontal offset (optional, default0
number vertical offset (optional, default0
Checks text to be visible. Use second parameter to narrow down the search.
I.see('Record created');
I.see('Record updated', '#message');
I.see('Record deleted', '~message');
string to check visibilitycontext
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) element inside which to search for text (optional, defaultnull
Checks text not to be visible. Use second parameter to narrow down the search.
I.dontSee('Record created');
I.dontSee('Record updated', '#message');
I.dontSee('Record deleted', '~message');
string to check invisibilitycontext
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) element in which to search for text (optional, defaultnull
Checks for visibility of an element. Use second parameter to narrow down the search.
I.seeElement('~edit'); // located by accessibility id
I.seeElement('~edit', '#menu'); // element inside #menu
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString element to locatecontext
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) context element (optional, defaultnull
Checks if an element exists.
I.checkIfElementExists('~edit'); // located by accessibility id
I.checkIfElementExists('~edit', '#menu'); // element inside #menu
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString element to locatecontext
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) context element (optional, defaultnull
Checks that element is not visible. Use second parameter to narrow down the search.
I.dontSeeElement('~edit'); // located by accessibility id
I.dontSeeElement('~edit', '#menu'); // element inside #menu
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString element to locatecontext
(CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString | null) context element (optional, defaultnull
Checks for existence of an element. An element can be visible or not. Use second parameter to narrow down the search.
I.seeElementExists('~edit'); // located by accessibility id
I.seeElementExists('~edit', '#menu'); // element inside #menu
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString element to locatecontext
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString context element (optional, defaultnull
Checks that element not exists. Use second parameter to narrow down the search.
I.dontSeeElementExist('~edit'); // located by accessibility id
I.dontSeeElementExist('~edit', '#menu'); // element inside #menu
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString element to locatecontext
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString context element (optional, defaultnull
Fills in text field in an app. A field can be located by text, accessibility id, id.
I.fillField('Username', 'davert');
I.fillField('~name', 'davert');
I.fillField({ android: 'NAME', ios: 'name' }, 'davert');
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an input element to fill invalue
string value to fill
Taps return key. A field can be located by text, accessibility id, id.
I.tapReturnKey({ android: 'NAME', ios: 'name' });
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an input element to fill in
Clears a text field. A field can be located by text, accessibility id, id.
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an input element to clear
Appends text into the field. A field can be located by text, accessibility id, id.
I.appendField('name', 'davert');
Scrolls to the top of an element.
Scrolls to the bottom of an element.
Scrolls to the left of an element.
Scrolls to the right of an element.
Performs a swipe up inside an element.
Can be slow
or fast
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an element on which to perform swipespeed
string a speed to perform:slow
. (optional, default'slow'
Performs a swipe up inside an element.
Can be slow
or fast
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an element on which to perform swipespeed
string a speed to perform:slow
. (optional, default'slow'
Performs a swipe up inside an element.
Can be slow
or fast
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an element on which to perform swipespeed
string a speed to perform:slow
. (optional, default'slow'
Performs a swipe up inside an element.
Can be slow
or fast
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an element on which to perform swipespeed
string a speed to perform:slow
. (optional, default'slow'
Waits for number of seconds
I.wait(2); // waits for 2 seconds
number number of seconds to wait
Waits for an element to exist on page.
I.waitForElement('#message', 1); // wait for 1 second
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an element to wait forsec
number number of seconds to wait, 5 by default (optional, default5
Waits for an element to be visible on page.
I.waitForElementVisible('#message', 1); // wait for 1 second
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an element to wait forsec
number number of seconds to wait (optional, default5
Waits an elmenet to become not visible.
I.waitToHide('#message', 2); // wait for 2 seconds
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString an element to wait forsec
number number of seconds to wait (optional, default5
Scrolls within a scrollable container to an element.
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString Locator of the element to scroll tocontainerLocator
CodeceptJS.LocatorOrString Locator of the scrollable containerdirection
string 'up' or 'down' (optional, default'down'
number Offset for scroll, can be adjusted based on need (optional, default100