APISpec plugins for easy integration with different components (web frameworks, packages, etc).
- Support for the OpenAPI Specification (versions 2 and 3)
- Support for frameworks/plugins which include:
Install the package directly from PyPI
$ pip install apispec-plugins
Plugin dependencies like flask
and pydantic
are not installed with the package by default. To
have flask
and pydantic
installed, run:
$ pip install apispec-plugins[flask,pydantic]
from typing import Optional
from apispec import APISpec
from apispec_plugins.base.mixin import RegistryMixin
from apispec_plugins.ext.pydantic import PydanticPlugin
from apispec_plugins.webframeworks.flask import FlaskPlugin
from flask import Flask
from pydantic import BaseModel
# set APISpec plugins
spec = APISpec(
title="Pet Store",
info=dict(description="A minimal pet store API"),
plugins=(FlaskPlugin(), PydanticPlugin()),
# optional Flask support
app = Flask(__name__)
# optional pydantic support
class Pet(BaseModel, RegistryMixin):
id: Optional[int]
name: str
def pet(petId):
"""Find pet by ID.
- in: path
name: petId
description: display pet data
schema: Pet
return f"Display pet with ID {petId}"
# register `path` for the Flask route
with app.test_request_context():
Alternatively, to Flask
routes, MethodView
can be used:
from flask.views import MethodView
class PetAPI(MethodView):
def get(self, petId):
# get pet by ID
app.add_url_rule("/pet/<petId>", view_func=PetAPI.as_view("pet_view"))
As seen so far, specs are specified in the docstring of the view or
class. However, with the spec_from
decorator, one can dynamically
set specs:
from apispec_plugins import spec_from
"parameters": {"in": "path", "name": "petId"},
"responses": {200: {"description": "display pet data"}},
def pet(petID):
"""Find pet by ID."""
The conceiving of this project was based on apispec-webframeworks. While that project is focused on integrating web frameworks with APISpec
, this
project goes a step further in providing the best integration possible with the APISpec
standards. Some
limitations on that project were also addressed, like:
- a path cannot register no more than 1 single rule per endpoint;
- limited docstring spec processing;
Run tests with tox
# ensure tox is installed
$ tox
Run linter only:
$ tox -e lint
Optionally, run coverage as well with:
$ tox -e coverage
MIT licensed. See LICENSE.