User Dashboard application is based on Angular JS
The build tool is based on Grunt
The repository have to be cloned : URL is
NodeJS is a prerequisite for building the application. It can be installed from NodeJS downloads
Maven tool is required only to produce the war file.
Run the server with Grunt
grunt serve
Open in browser http://localhost:9000/
- Import the repository : Select Git menu and then "Clone Repository..."
Enter and a project's name if not automatically defined.
Once the project has been cloned, pick-up "AngularJS project" in the list of project type when the project is loaded.
Start the application by clicking on the run button
Open the browser on the URL that has been displayed in codenvy IDE.
Live reload feature is enabled. So each time a file is modified/updated the browser is notified with the change and refresh the page automatically. No action is required.
Step-by-step guide
- Install docker.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install
- To use docker without sudo:
sudo groupadd docker sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
Log out and log back in again.
Ensure path contains $HOME variable in settings.xml
- Pull docker image.
docker pull vkuznyetsov/user-dashboard
- Run from project folder.