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Ckeditor integration

JelleDekker edited this page Jul 30, 2012 · 12 revisions

Integration with Ckeditor using the galahub/ckeditor gem:

Follow the instructions for galahub/ckeditor (gem, mount in routes and rails generate for your file uploads if wanted), then add the following to /config/initializers/active_admin.rb

# To load a javascript file:
config.register_javascript 'ckeditor/init.js'

In your resource you'll need to add to your form:

form do |f|
  f.inputs do
    f.input   :foo
    f.input	:bar, :input_html => {:class => "ckeditor"}

And your almost done, you can now use Ckeditor in active_admin, however everyone who manages to access Ckeditor can browse CKeditor uploads and add to them. galahub/Ckeditor has methods to restrict acces using CanCan, I advise you read through the documentation of CanCan integration both for Ckeditor and Active Admin to make this work.

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