An HTML, CSS, and JS playground plugin for self-hosted demos or playgrounds. Similar to a self-hosted embedded Codepen or JSFiddle. Layout options for fullscreen mode, tabs, or rows. Toggle splitscreen view and full view to show off just results or a particular code snippet.
npm install --save codegroundjs
bower install --save codegroundjs
Include the script on your page or include it in your build process
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/codegroundjs/dist/codeground.min.css" >
<script src="/node_modules/codegroundjs/dist/Codeground.min.js"></script>
- Tabs view (show one language at a time) or Rows view (show all languages in rows ontop of each other)
- Fullscreen mode
- Preset values for demos
- Disable a language
- No dependencies
To create a new playground you need to define an element with the id you want to target, then create a new codeground instance passing in the id of the element you created and pass in the options you want,
var codeground = new Codeground('codeground', opts);
This will create a new codeground in that div with your preset options.
var opts = {
html: 'demo.html', // add preset html, css, js by adding a path to the file you want
css: 'demo.css',
js: 'demo.js',
htmlStr: '<div>foo</div>', // add preset string values for html, css, or js
cssStr: '* { color: black}', // this will override the file you provide
jsStr: 'console.log('test')',
htmlShow: true, // setting these to false hides that languages editor
cssShow: true, // if set false on tabs it hides the button
jsShow: true,
layout: 'half', // whether editor/output takes up full width or half
initialFull: 'editors', // this sets the initial view if you choose layout full
style: 'rows', // Toggle between rows and tabs view
initialTab: 'html', // if tabs are selected this selects the initial shown tab
fullscreen: false, // html, body, and container must be 100% also
topbar: true, // this sets a top bar, required for the tabs view
title: 'Codeground' // optional title for the tab
var codeground = new Codeground('codeground', opts);
Why not just use Codepen or JSFiddle? These are great services that are easy to use and offer many useful features. However, there are a few advantages a hosted solution like this one has over a cloud solution:
- Reduce HTTP requests
- Track the playground in your codebase
- More customizable
- Don't have to clutter codepen account with simple demos
- Not dependent on external service's uptime
- Build on it to make something different
On the other hand, cloud solutions have a plethora of other advantages also, such as ease of use, options to fork, and many others. If you're in doubt then use Codepen/JSFiddle.
Should work on all the latest browsers. Older versions will probably have issues.
This error appears in chrome when you're presetting one of the languages by including a file. This is a security feature in chrome to prevent loading files from different domains, to solve this simply start a server and serve your index and the demo files.