Installs and configures apache solr and runs the embedded jetty service.
- 5.3.x and up - use solr puppet module 0.5.x
- 5.0.x to 5.2.x - use solr puppet module 0.4.x
- 4.x.x - use solr puppet module 0.2.2
Also supports systemd.
This module utilizes the params concept so all default parameters are configured through solr::params.
The solr puppet module no longer manages java. However, java is a requirement for installation.
Uses the defaults
include solr
Cores can be installed via the defined type solr::core. Solr requires a restart when a new core is added. This module doesn't handle restarting solr for adding new cores.
file {'/tmp/schema.xml':
ensure => file,
content => inline_template('....'),
schema_src_file => '/tmp/schema.xml',
require => File ['/tmp/schema.xml'],
This defined type allows shared libraries to be installed for use by solr.
url => ''
See for the API.
Works with debian and redhat based OS's.
The module is open source and available on bitbucket. Please fork!