👋 Hi! Welcome to Color Sets’ public issue tracker and feature requests repo for our Grids (Chrome) extension.
Have an issue you’d like to report or a feature request you’d like to make? Well, you’re in the right place. New issues and feature requests are always welcomed and appreciated. But, before submitting a new please be sure to search the existing issues to see if your issue or request has already been submitted.
If you find an issue or request that is the same, or similar to what you were going to submit, please upvote it with a 👍 reaction to help bubble up the most pressing or promising issues and requests.
And, if you don’t find an existing issue, please create a new issue by using the provided template.
If you have an issue that you feel is only relevant to your account, or a feature request that is just too magical to be shared publicly, you can always reach out to me directly.
Follow @ColorSets on Twitter (DMs are always open)
Send me an email [email protected]
I look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks a lot for your interest and support of colorsets.com. Your interest and participation goes a long way in keeping the motivation high and the dream alive.
Ryan 🤙