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RAML API client code generators based on the RMF (REST Modeling Framework). The code generators are written in kotlin.

Supported output targets

    • Java types for JSON serialization/deserialization of RAML types via Jackson
    • Java client for accessing RAML resources via Spring RestTemplate
    • TypeScript types generated from RAML types
    • TypeScript types for validating JSON payloads via hapijs/joi
  • POSTMAN: Collection file for the Postman API Client
  • RAML_DOC: Emits RAML files targeted at generating robust and stable API documentation. Fully flattens and resolves types and resources. The output RAML has a fixed canonical filesystem structure and every type or resource file contains all information to fully document it. It's used by the commercetools-docs-kit

Install rmf-codegen CLI

To install the rmf-codegen cli, run the following command

curl -o- -s | bash

You will find a new command available rmf-codegen, you can check that all is good by executing rmf-codegen -v

NPM wrapper package

The commercetools-docs-kit provides an NPM package that automates the download of the JAR and provides the rmf-codegen command to JavaScript projects without global installation. (find at NPM)


Docker images for the code generator are available in the Github Container Registry

docker pull


General Usage:

Usage: rmf-codegen [-hv] [COMMAND]
Allows to validate RAML files and generate code from them
  -h, --help                display this help message
  -v, --version             print version information and exit
  generate                  Generate source code from a RAML specification.
  verify                    Allows to verify if a raml spec is valid.
  validate                  Validate the raml spec against defined rules and generate a validation report.

Generating Client SDKs or normalized RAML for documentation:

Usage: rmf-codegen generate [-hvw] [-b=<basePackageName>]
                            [-c=<clientPackageName>] [-m=<modelPackageName>]
                            -o=<outputFolder> [-s=<sharedPackage>] -t=<target>
Generate source code from a RAML specification.
  <ramlFileLocation>        Api file location
  -b, --base-package=<basePackageName>
                            The base package, this package in case the model or
                            client models aren't provided
  -c, --client-package=<clientPackageName>
                            The client package, This will be used as the package
                            for the client stub.
  -h, --help                display this help message
  -m, --model-package=<modelPackageName>
                            The models package, this will be used as the model
                            package in the generated code.
  -o, --output-folder=<outputFolder>
                            Output folder for generated files.
  -s, --shared-package=<sharedPackage>
                            The shared package to be used for the generated code.
  -t, --target=<target>     Specifies the code generation target
                            Valid values: JAVA_CLIENT, TYPESCRIPT_CLIENT,
                            CSHARP_CLIENT, PHP_CLIENT, PHP_BASE, PHP_TEST,
                            POSTMAN, RAML_DOC
  -v, --verbose             If set, this would move the verbosity level to debug.
  -w, --watch               Watches the files for changes

Verifying a RAML API:

Usage: rmf-codegen verify [-hw] <ramlFileLocation>
Allows to verify if a RAML spec is valid.
  <ramlFileLocation>        Api file location
  -h, --help                display this help message
  -w, --watch               Watches the files for changes

Validating a RAML API and generating a validity report:

Usage: <main class> validate [-hvw] [--list-rules] [-f=<outputFormat>]
[-l=<linkBase>] [-lf=<linkFormat>]
[-o=<outputTarget>] [-r=<rulesetFile>]
[-s=<checkSeverity>] [-t=<tempFile>]

Allows to verify if a raml spec is valid according to CT guidelines and generates a validation report

  <ramlFileLocation>   Api file location
  -f, --format=<outputFormat> Specifies the output format. Valid values: CLI, JSON, MARKDOWN
  -h, --help               display this help message
  -l, --link-base=<linkBase>
  -lf, --link-format=<linkFormat> Specifies the link format. Valid values: CLI, GITHUB
  --list-rules         Show all rules
  -o, --outputTarget=<outputTarget>
  -r, --ruleset=<rulesetFile> Ruleset configuration
  -s, --severity=<checkSeverity> Diagnostic severity. Valid values: info, warn, error
  -t, --temp=<tempFile>    Temporary folder
  -v, --verbose            Verbose
  -w, --watch              Watches the files for changes


Build the "fat jar"

A single "fat jar" is built with the following commands:

cd tools/cli-application/
../../gradlew build

The JAR can then be found at ./rmf-codegen.jar

Build a native executable with GraalVM

A native executable is built with the following commands:

cd tools/cli-application/
../../gradlew nativeImage

The native executable can then be found at ./tools/cli-application/build/graal/rmf-codegen. It's currently only tested with Mac OS X. It emits error messages but the functionality works.

Why did we choose kotlin for writing our code generators?

We choose kotlin because of the following features:

  • extension methods, which allow us to add methods to our RMF model types
  • multi-line template string with embedded expressions, which allows us to keep the templates and the code in the same file
  • it integrates very well with our RMF Java types
  • it has very good IDE support, which makes writing code generators very easy

These features help in developing code generators for different programming languges/frameworks.

Running tests against your own RAML files

Our TestCodeGenerator test can be run against a user provided RAML file by setting the TEST_RAML_FILE environment variable to the file path.