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tevko committed Feb 7, 2025
1 parent e1a03a5 commit e08a3c5
Showing 1 changed file with 191 additions and 41 deletions.
232 changes: 191 additions & 41 deletions client-participation/js/strings/zh_Hans.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,52 +2,202 @@

var s = {};

// Text on the card

s.participantHelpWelcomeText =

s.agree = "赞成";
s.disagree = "反对";
s.pass = "略过 / 不确定";
s.x_wrote = "表示:";
s.x_tweeted = "推文:";
s.pass = "略过/不确定";

s.writePrompt ="分享您的观点(您并不是回复,而是在提交一条独立的评论)";
s.anonPerson = "匿名";
s.importantCheckbox = "重要/意义非凡";
s.importantCheckboxDesc =

s.howImportantPrompt = "这条评论的重要程度如何?";
s.howImportantLow = "低";
s.howImportantMedium = "中";
s.howImportantHigh = "高";

s.modSpam = "垃圾内容";
s.modOffTopic = "偏离主题";
s.modImportant = "重要";
s.modSubmitInitialState = "跳过(以上都不是),查看下一条评论";
s.modSubmit = "完成,查看下一条评论";

s.x_wrote = "写道:";
s.x_tweeted = "发推:";
s.comments_remaining = "还剩 {{num_comments}} 条";
s.comments_remaining2 = "还剩 {{num_comments}} 条评论";

// Text about phasing

s.noCommentsYet = "尚无任何评论。";
s.noCommentsYetSoWrite = "添加评论,以开始此对话。";
s.noCommentsYetSoInvite =
s.noCommentsYouVotedOnAll = "您已完成对所有评论的投票。";
s.noCommentsTryWritingOne =
s.convIsClosed = "本次对话已关闭。";
s.noMoreVotingAllowed = "无法继续投票。";

// For the visualization below

s.group_123 = "群组:";
s.majorityOpinion = "共同意见";
s.majorityOpinionShort = "共识"; = "说明";
s.addPolisToYourSite = "<img style='height: 20px; margin: 0px 4px;' src='{{URL}}'/>";
s.privacy = "隐私";
s.TOS = "使用条款";
s.writePrompt = "分享您的观点...";
s.anonPerson = "匿名人士";
s.helpWhatAmISeeingTitle = "这是什么?";
s.helpWhatAmISeeing = "立场相近的人,会自动归类到同一个群组。点击群组,就可以看到这些人的共同意见。";
s.helpWhatDoIDoTitle = " 我可以做什么?";
s.helpWhatDoIDo = "针对其他人的意见,按下「赞成」或「反对」。你也可以写下您的观点(每个意见单独一则)。邀请朋友来一起讨论!";
s.writeCommentHelpText = "如果您的观点没有人写过,请务必将它<strong>写下来</strong>!</i>";
s.heresHowGroupVoted = "这是群组 {{GROUP_NUMBER}} 的看法:";
s.comment_123 = "评论:";
s.majorityOpinion = "多数意见";
s.majorityOpinionShort = "多数"; = "信息";

s.helpWhatAmISeeingTitle = "我看到了什么?";
s.helpWhatAmISeeing =
s.heresHowGroupVoted = "这是群组 {{GROUP_NUMBER}} 的投票情况:";
s.one_person = "{{x}} 人";
s.x_people = "{{x}} 人";
s.acrossAllPtpts = "所有参与者:";
s.xPtptsSawThisComment = "位参与者看过这个意见。";
s.xOfThoseAgreed = "位参与者表示赞成。";
s.xOfthoseDisagreed = "位参与者表示反对。";
s.pctAgreed = "{{pct}}% 赞成";
s.pctDisagreed = "{{pct}}% 反对";
s.pctAgreedOfGroup = "群组 {{group}} 里,有 {{pct}}% 的人赞成";
s.pctDisagreedOfGroup = "群组 {{group}} 里,有 {{pct}}% 的人反对";
s.commentSent = "意见已送出!";
s.connectFacebook = "链接 Facebook";
s.connectTwitter = "链接 Twitter";
s.connectToPostPrompt = "发表意见前,请先链接登录帐号。我们不会贴文在您的墙上。";
s.tip = "秘诀:";
s.tipCommentsRandom = "意见会随机显示。您不需要回复别人的看法。";
s.tipOneIdea = "有多个意见请分开来写,一次一个,好让其他人表达赞成或反对。";
s.tipNoQuestions = "请直接陈述您的感受或观点,不要使用问句。";
s.notSentSinceDemo = "(纯属测试,并未送出)";
s.submitComment = "送出";
s.tipStarred = "已经标记为重点。";
s.participantHelpWelcomeText = "欢迎来到一种崭新的讨论方式 - 对众人的意见<span style='font-weight: 700;'>投票</span>,并且<span style='font-weight: 700;'>贡献</span>您的观点。";
s.participantHelpGroupsText = "立场相近的人,会<span style='font-weight: 700;'>自动归类到同一个群组。</span>点击群组,就可以看到这些人的共同意见<a style='font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline' id='helpTextGroupsExpand'>...</a>";
s.helpWhatAreGroupsDetail = "<p>您可能在其他网站上看过「推荐产品」或「推荐电影」的服务。这些服务使用统计信息,找出和您品味相近的人,然后用那些人的纪录来向您推荐。</p> <p>当您在这里按下「赞成」或「反对」时,您就会自动将您的头像移动到相近的群组里!上方显示的每个群组,都是由立场相近的人组成的。这样的公开讨论,每次都能展现出令人意外的洞见。请点击一个群组 - 看看他们共同的意见、发现某个群组的独特之处!";
s.socialConnectPrompt = "链接帐号,就可以看到您的朋友、追踪的人的立场如何。";
s.connectFbButton = "与 Facebook 链接";
s.connectTwButton = "与 Twitter 链接";
s.xPtptsSawThisComment = " 看过这条评论";
s.xOfThoseAgreed = " 位参与者表示赞成";
s.xOfthoseDisagreed = " 位参与者表示反对";
s.opinionGroups = "意见群组";
s.topComments = "热门评论";
s.divisiveComments = "存在争议的评论";
s.pctAgreed = "{{pct}}% 的参与者表示赞成";
s.pctDisagreed = "{{pct}}% 的参与者表示反对";
s.pctAgreedLong =
"对评论 {{comment_id}} 进行投票的所有参与者中,{{pct}}% 的参与者表示赞成。";
s.pctAgreedOfGroup = "在群组 {{group}} 中,{{pct}}% 的参与者表示赞成";
s.pctDisagreedOfGroup = "在群组 {{group}} 中,{{pct}}% 的参与者表示反对";
s.pctDisagreedLong =
"对评论 {{comment_id}} 进行投票的所有参与者中,{{pct}}% 的参与者表示反对。";
s.pctAgreedOfGroupLong =
"群组 {{group}} 中对评论 {{comment_id}} 进行投票的参与者中,{{pct}}% 的参与者表示赞成。";
s.pctDisagreedOfGroupLong =
"群组 {{group}} 中对评论 {{comment_id}} 进行投票的参与者中,{{pct}}% 的参与者表示反对。";
s.participantHelpGroupsText =
s.participantHelpGroupsNotYetText =
"只要有 7 位参与者开始投票,就会显示可视化图表";
s.helpWhatAreGroupsDetail =

// Text about writing your own statement

s.helpWhatDoIDoTitle = "我可以做什么?";
s.helpWhatDoIDo =
s.writeCommentHelpText =
s.helpWriteListIntro = "什么样的评论才是好评论?";
s.helpWriteListStandalone = "有独立思考";
s.helpWriteListRaisNew = "有新的观点、体验或问题";
s.helpWriteListShort = "措辞简洁明了(限制在 140 个字符以内)";
s.tip = "技巧:";
s.commentWritingTipsHintsHeader = "撰写评论的技巧";
s.tipCharLimit = "将评论限制在 {{char_limit}} 个字符以内。";
s.tipCommentsRandom =
"评论随机展示,不建议您直接回复他人的评论:<b> 建议您添加自己的独立评论。<b>";
s.tipOneIdea =
s.tipNoQuestions =
s.commentTooLongByChars =
"评论长度超出 {{CHARACTERS_COUNT}} 个字符。";
s.submitComment = "提交";
s.commentSent =

// Error notices

s.commentSendFailed = "提交评论时出现错误。";
s.commentSendFailedEmpty =
"提交评论时出现错误 - 评论不能为空。";
s.commentSendFailedTooLong =
"提交评论时出现错误 - 评论过长。";
s.commentSendFailedDuplicate =
"提交评论时出现错误 - 已存在相同评论。";
s.commentErrorDuplicate = "重复!这条评论已存在。";
s.commentErrorConversationClosed =
s.commentIsEmpty = "评论为空";
s.commentIsTooLong = "评论过长";
s.hereIsNextStatement = "投票成功。继续查看下一条评论。";

// Text about connecting identity

s.connectFacebook = "关联 Facebook";
s.connectTwitter = "关联 Twitter";
s.connectToPostPrompt =
s.connectToVotePrompt =
s.socialConnectPrompt =
s.connectFbButton = "关联 Facebook";
s.connectTwButton = "关联 Twitter";
s.polis_err_reg_fb_verification_email_sent =
s.polis_err_reg_fb_verification_noemail_unverified =
"您的 Facebook 账号未经验证。请通过 Facebook 验证您的电子邮件地址,然后返回此处继续。";

// Text for the third party translation that appears on the cards

s.showTranslationButton = "启用第三方翻译";
s.hideTranslationButton = "停用翻译";
s.thirdPartyTranslationDisclaimer = "由第三方提供的翻译";

// Text about notifications and subscriptions and embedding

s.notificationsAlreadySubscribed =
s.notificationsGetNotified = "在有新评论时收到通知:";
s.notificationsEnterEmail =
s.labelEmail = "电子邮件";
s.notificationsSubscribeButton = "订阅";
s.notificationsSubscribeErrorAlert = "订阅时出错";

s.addPolisToYourSite =
"<img style='height: 20px; margin: 0px 4px;' src='{{URL}}'/>";

// Footer

s.privacy = "隐私设置";
s.TOS = "服务条款 (TOS)";

// Experimental features

s.importantCheckbox = "这条评论很重要";
s.howImportantPrompt = "这条评论的重要程度如何?";
s.howImportantLow = "低";
s.howImportantMedium = "中";
s.howImportantHigh = "高";
s.tipStarred = "标记为重要。";

s.modSpam = "垃圾内容";
s.modOffTopic = "偏离主题";
s.modImportant = "重要";
s.modSubmitInitialState = "跳过(以上都不是),查看下一条评论";
s.modSubmit = "完成,查看下一条评论";

s.topic_good_01 = "我们应该如何处理乒乓球室?";
s.topic_good_01_reason =
s.topic_good_02 = "你认为这个新提案怎么样?";
s.topic_good_02_reason =
s.topic_good_03 = "你能想到效率降低的原因吗?";

s.topic_bad_01 = "每个人都汇报一下你们的发布前准备情况";
s.topic_bad_01_reason =
s.topic_bad_02 = "阻碍发布的因素有哪些?";
s.topic_bad_02_reason = "";

module.exports = s;

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