Source code and examples for the paper
"A multipoint vorticity mixed finite element method for incompressible Stokes flow" by Wietse M. Boon and Alessio Fumagalli.
See arXiv pre-print.
We propose a mixed finite element method for Stokes flow with one degree of freedom per element and facet of simplicial grids. The method is derived by considering the vorticity-velocity-pressure formulation and eliminating the vorticity locally through the use of a quadrature rule. The discrete solution is pointwise divergence-free and the method is pressure robust. The theoretically derived convergence rates are confirmed by numerical experiments.
If you use this work in your research, we ask you to cite the following publication arXiv pre-print.
If you want to run the code you need to install PyGeoN and might revert it to the following tag
Newer versions of PyGeoN may not be compatible with this repository.
If you want to run the code you need to install PorePy and might revert it to the following hash
Newer versions of PorePy may not be compatible with this repository.
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