The Computational Cell Analytics group is located at the University of Göttingen and is lead by Prof. Dr. Constantin Pape.
We build deep learning based software for biomedical image analysis. Our group creates both tools for specific image analysis tasks and libraries that offer general purpose image analysis functionality.
specializes Segment Anything for Microscopy data by providing finetuned models and a napari plugin.SynapseNet
offers segmentation networks and a napari plugin for analyzing synapses in electron micrographs.
is a deep learning library for biomedical image data.elf
is a library for segmentation and other image analysis related functionality.
Other projects from the group:
- ViM-UNet: A segmentation architecture based on vision mamba.
- Probabilistic Domain Adaptation
- dl-for-micro: Introduction to Deep Learning for Microscopy.
Larger projects that we are involved in and heavily rely on:
- MoBIE: Data visualization and exploration for large microscopy data.
- BioImage.IO: A deep learning modelzoo for microscopy.
- OME-Zarr: A file format for large microscopy data.