This pakage provides 3D Dubins paths between two prescribed configuration. It provides smooth trajectories for fixed-wing aircraft while both curvature and pitch angle constraints are met.
Full description is provided in the following paper.
TITLE = {{Minimal 3D Dubins Path with Bounded Curvature and Pitch Angle}},
AUTHOR = {V{\'a}{\v{n}}a, Petr and Neto, Armando Alves and Faigl, Jan and Macharet, Douglas G},
BOOKTITLE = {2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
PAGES = {8497--8503},
YEAR = {2020},
using Pkg
See example/basic.jl
using Dubins3D
# Convert degreees to radians
deg2rad(x) = pi * x / 180.
# Initial and final configurations [x, y, z, heading angle, pitch angle]
qi = [200., 500., 200., deg2rad(180.), deg2rad(-5.)]
qf = [500., 350., 100., deg2rad(0.), deg2rad(-5.)]
# Minimum turning radius
rhomin = 40.
# Pich angle constraints [min_pitch, max_pitch]
pitchlims = deg2rad.([-15., 20.])
maneuver = DubinsManeuver3D(qi, qf, rhomin, pitchlims)
# Length of the 3D Dubins path
@show maneuver.length
# Sample the manever by 500 samples
samples = compute_sampling(maneuver; numberOfSamples = 500)
# First and last samples - should be equal to qi and qf
@show samples[1]
@show samples[end]