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Evaluation of existing reification approaches for expressing without asserting (EWA) claims in RDF along with their related contextual information and compare them with a new method, called Conjectures.

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Benchmarking Expressing Without Asserting methods on large Wikidata Dumps

Notes on Efficiency Test setup and results

EWA efficiency tests workflow

Table of Contents

Data preparation

This part of the workflow is documented in a separate repository available at conjectures-rdf/expressing-without-asserting-efficiency-datasets

Hardware and Software Configuration

Tests have been run on a computer with processor Intel Core i5-8259U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz, RAM 32,0 GB, Windows 10 pro 64 bits, 1T hard disk. The TriG and SparQL parsers of our GraphDB engine were modified to parse Conjectures in strong form (see next section). The configuration of the GraphDB instance used for these experiments uses 28G Ram allocated to the application (for more information see [ref])(, ref, (ref)[Configuring%20the%20JVM,Contents%2Fapp%2FGraphDB%20Desktop]}, and 10G cache size. A repository has been created for each dataset with inferences off, no rule set assigned, predicates list index enabled and (when possible) contexts enabled. All other parameters are left in their default values. Repositories are already running before their performance tests are executed.

GraphDB costumisation and setup (to parse Conjectures)

The complete documentation of GraphDB costumisation and setup can be found at: GraphDB-conjectures-strong-parser

Metrics definition

Queries definition

The following queries mimic all Assertion status which has been defined in Assertion vs. Non-assertion logic.

Query Predicate Data selected by query
GQ1 P170 All attributions of artworks that are currently considered valid
GQ1 P276 All locations of artworks that are currently considered valid
GQ2 P170 All attributions of artworks that have been debated
GQ2 P276 All past and debated locations of artworks
GQ3 P170 All attributions of artworks that have been debated, with provenance
GQ3 P276 All past and debated locations of artworks, with date of move
GQ4 P170 All currently debated attributions of artworks
GQ4 P276 All locations of artworks whose current location is uncertain
GQ5 P170 All settled attributions of artworks
GQ5 P276 All current locations of artworks that were moved
GQ6 P170 All attributions of artworks that were never debated
GQ6 P276 All locations of artworks that never moved
FQ1 P170 All attributions of paintings (Q3305213) that currently are considered valid
FQ1 P276 All locations of paintings (Q3305213) that are currently considered valid
FQ2 P170 All attributions of paintings (Q3305213) that have been debated
FQ2 P276 All past and debated locations of paintings (Q3305213)
FQ3 P170 All attributions of paintings (Q3305213) that have been debated, with provenance
FQ3 P276 All past and debated locations of paintings (Q3305213), with date of move
FQ4 P170 All currently debated attributions of paintings (Q3305213)
FQ4 P276 All locations of paintings (Q3305213) whose current location is uncertain
FQ5 P170 All settled attributions of paintings (Q3305213)
FQ5 P276 All current locations of paintings (Q3305213) that were moved
FQ6 P170 All attributions of paintings (Q3305213) that were never debated
FQ6 P276 All locations of paintings (Q3305213) that never moved

All queries in SPARQL are available in queries folder:

  • generale_queries.json contains GQ[1:6] for both P170 and P276 properties
  • filtered_queries.json contains FQ[1:6] for both P170 and P276 properties
  • runs authomatically a selected json file

Test results and visualisations

All contents are stored in the results folder.

Test results

Query responses results are available in the query_execution_response folder, which contains two subfolders:

  • partial_results contains 10 runs for each query
  • final_results contains the average of the 10 runs


  • All results visualisations are produced by EWA_efficiency_charts.ipynb

Experiment reproducibility on your local machine

To run the experiments take the following steps:

  • Run locally one of the two available dockers:

    • docker push valentinamomo/conjectures-graphdb-ewa-rtr:1.0: This docker is ready to run (RTR) and can be mounted locally in few minutes. It contains a customised instance of GraphDB to parse and read Conjectures and 10 preloaded datasets to compare its efficiency with concurrent approaches. In particular, this instance contains Wikidata statements, RDF-star, Named Graphs, Conjectures in Weak form, Conjectures in strong form each of which comes in two sizes (D1 and D2). It requires 20GB of free memory space to be used.
    • tbd: This docker is slow to run (STR) and can be mounted locally in some hours. It contains a customised instance of GraphDB to parse and read Conjectures and 18 preloaded datasets to compare its efficiency with concurrent approaches. In particular, this instance contains Wikidata statements, RDF-star, Named Graphs, Singleton Properties, Conjectures in Weak form, Conjectures in strong form each of which comes in three sizes (D1, D2 and D3). It requires 0.5T of free memory space to be used.
    • Modifications of GraphDB instances in the dockers are stored in conjectures-extension-graphdb
  • Run locally the code provided in XXX and locate the queries in the same folder.

    • queries contains the set of queries designed for this experiment and the code to run them
    • query_exectution_response contains partial and final results of query runs which come from this test attempt.


Evaluation of existing reification approaches for expressing without asserting (EWA) claims in RDF along with their related contextual information and compare them with a new method, called Conjectures.






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