Preprocessing data based on
This repository is dedicated to downloading, extracting, and preprocessing the Coast Guard AIS dataset for use in machine learning algorithms. Data are available for all months of the years 2015 - 2017, and for UTM zones 1 - 20.
This guide assumes that you have installed python 3.x on your machine, preferably python 3.7 and above.
This repository is intended to be run using pipenv
to manage package dependencies.
If you do not have pipenv
installed, try calling
pip install pipenv
If you have pip
installed, or install it using your OS package manager (details: Once pipenv
has been installed, run the following commands from the repository home directory, unless you have an environment that runs python 3.7 already, in which case just activate that environment and skip this command.
pipenv --python 3.7
Once an environment running python 3.7 is available and pipenv is installed in that environment, just run this command to install all dependencies.
pipenv install
If the above command runs successfully, you should be ready to run the programs in the worflow.
If you have pip installed and can easily run python 3, then installing required packages with requirements.txt should work okay.
pip install -r requirements.txt
If the above command runs successfully, you should be ready to run the programs in the worflow.
Run this file first to download and unzip the dataset. A command line argument may be used to specify the year, month, and zone, or without a command line argument, all files within the year, month, and zone ranges will be downloaded, according to the boundaries specified in the file. Optionally, the output directory path can be specified as another command line argument, either by itself or preceding the year, month, and zone arguments. Read the top of the file for more details on what each parameter does.
has finished downloading and unzipping the desired files,
processes all the desired csv files to condense them into a final sequence file that can be used as an input to algorithms.
has flexibility in how it pre-processes the data, which is described in config.yaml
. The coordinate grid can be bounded, certain time and zone ranges can be specified, and more. See config.yaml
for more details on what all the options and functionality are.
have been run as desired, this Jupyter Notebook uses pandas and plotly to map trajectories on an interactive map to demonstrate how the pipeline has processed the data. If you are unfamiliar with Jupyter notebooks, run jupyter notebook
and select this file to run it interactively.
- specify whether or not to delete zipped files that are downloaded during execution.CLEAR_BEFORE_DOWNLOAD
- specify whether or not to clear files already extracted before downloading new ones.YEAR_BEGIN
- the earliest data to download, inclusive. e.g.YEAR_BEGIN=2016, MONTH_BEGIN=3
would download files beginning with March 2016.YEAR_END
- the latest data to download, inclusive. e.g.YEAR_END=2016, MONTH_END=3
would download files ending with March 2016.ZONE_BEGIN
- the zone range to download (inclusive). Zone description: 1 - 9 -> Alaska, 4 - 5 -> Hawaii, 9 - 20 -> continental US.
for more information.OUTPUT_DIR
- the directory where the downloaded files should live once the script completes. The output files will be in the folderAIS_ASCII_BY_UTM_Month
in the specified directory.
All options for this file are specified in config.yaml
, not the file itself.
The main options that can be specified for script.
- specifies whether to only read the firstmax_rows
of each csv.max_rows
- whenlimit_rows
is true, specifies the number of rows to read of each CSV file.bound_lon
- specifies whether to use specified hard longitude boundaries instead of inferring them. Boundaries are read fromgrid_params
- specifies whether to use specified hard latitude boundaries instead of inferring them. Boundaries are read fromgrid_params
- specifies whether to bound the times considered. Boundaries are read frommeta_params
- specifies whether to bound the zones being read. Boundaries are read frommeta_params
- specifies whether to interpolate actions if state transitions are not adjacent, otherwise actions can be arbitrarily large.allow_diag
- wheninterp_actions
is true, specifies whether to allow for diagonal grid actions.append_coords
- specifies whether to add raw latitude, longitude values as columns to the output csv. This will also add an extra row to each trajectory containing just the final state and its original coordinates. When interpolating, the coordinates of the interpolated states will just be the center of the grid squares they represent.prec_coords
- specifies the precision of coordinates in output as the number of decimal places to round each coordinate to.min_states
- specifies the minimum number of sequentially unique discretized states needed to qualify a trajectory for final output, e.g. ifmin_states=3
then the state trajectory1, 2, 1
would qualify whereas1, 1, 2
would not. In other words, the minimum number of states in a trajectory that were not reached via self-transition.
The input and output directory specification for the script.
- specifies the directory where input data is located.in_dir_data
- specifies the folder name containing all the data in the input directory.out_dir_path
- specifies the directory where output data files should be written.out_dir_file
- specifies output file name (should be .csv).
Specifies the same time and zone boundary controls available in
, only considering files within those boundaries. Data are available between 2015 - 2017, January - December, zones 1 - 20.
When hard boundaries are set in options
, those grid boundaries are specified here, except grid_len
, which matters regardless.
- the length of one side of one grid square, in degrees.
To get the data, we use
. Let's assume that we want all the data in zone 10 between November 2016 and January 2017 in a file that already exists in our working directory called data
. We have 4 options for how to do this:
Specify output directory and times and zones sequentially in command line:
./ data 2016 11 10
./ data 2016 12 10
./ data 2017 1 10
Specify output directory in
by setting:
Then specify which times and zones to download in the command line:
./ 2016 11 10
./ 2016 12 10
./ 2017 1 10
Specify which times and zones to download in
Then specify output directory in command line:
./ data
./ data 2016 12 10
./ data 2017 1 10
Specify times and zones to download and output directory in the
, combining options 2 and 3:
Once the data finishes downloading and inflating, we are ready to preprocess the data.
To preprocess the data, we use
. To use the script, config.yaml
should be configured first.
First, because we put our data in the data
folder in our current directory, we need to change directories:in_dir_path
to data/
to reflect this.
We'd like to make use of all the data we just downloaded, so we should read the whole file for each csv and set options: limit_rows
to False
Next, because one longitudinal zone is a much smaller range than its latitude range, we would like to bound the latitude we consider by setting options:bound_lat
to True
and then setting our min_lat
and max_lat
to our desired values. Values between 35 N and 45 N latitude seem like reasonable values, so we'll set min_lat : 35.0
and max_lat : 45.0
We'd also like to make use of all the data we just downloaded, so we need to set the meta_params
accordingly to consider the right data when preprocessing. Assuming options: bound_time
is True
, we'll need to set meta_params: min_year=2016, min_month=11, max_year=2017, max_month=1
to consider data in the time period we just downloaded. Assuming options: bound_zone
is True
, we'll need to set meta_params: min_zone: 10, max_zone: 10
to consider data in the zone we just downloaded. If any of options: bound_time, bound_zone
is False
, then their corresponding meta_params
won't be evaluated.
For interpolating actions, we'd like to limit the actions to just up, down, left, right, and none so we will set options: interp_actions
to True
, and options: allow_diag
to False
Since we'd like to get a csv
with just the id-state-action-state
entries for each row, we will set options: append_coords
to False
. If we had instead set this to True
, then the output would have two extra columns specifying the longitude and latitude for each state in each row (just the first state in the row), and an extra row would be appended to each trajectory with just the last state and its coordinates for easier plotting. If actions are being interpolated, then the latitude and longitude will be written as the middle coordinates of the corresponding interpolated state.
For our purposes, let's assume that 3 decimal places of precision are sufficient for our coordinates, so we'll set options: prec_coords=3
Lastly, since we'd like the final grid to have a manageable number of states (< 1000), we will size the grid accordingly. The one zone we downloaded (10) has a width of 6 degrees longitude, and we specified the latitude boundaries to be between 35 and 45 degrees north, so now if we choose grid_params: grid_len=0.5
, then we will have 6/.5 = 12
columns and 10/0.5 = 20
rows in our final grid, resulting in a grand total of 240 states in our final grid.
Our final config.yaml
should look like this:
limit_rows : False
max_rows : 100000
bound_lon : False
bound_lat : True
bound_time : True
bound_zone : True
interp_actions : True
allow_diag : False
append_coords : False
prec_coords : 3
min_states : 2
in_dir_path : data/
in_dir_data : AIS_ASCII_by_UTM_Month/
out_dir_path : ./
out_dir_file : ais_data_output.csv
min_year : 2016
min_month : 11
max_year : 2017
max_month : 1
min_zone : 10
max_zone : 10
min_lon : -78.0
max_lon : -72.0
min_lat : 35.0
max_lat : 45.0
num_cols : 0
grid_len : 0.5
Now that our script is configured to our liking, we are finally ready to just run the script:
Once the script finishes (hopefully without error), the output csv will be in the current directory as ais_data_output.csv
and ready for further processing.
The csv files obtained have the following data available:
- MMSI - Maritime Mobile Service Identity value (integer as text)
- BaseDateTime - Full UTC date and time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
- LAT - Latitude (decimal degrees as double)
- LON - Longitude (decimal degrees as double)
- SOG - Speed Over Ground (knots as float)
- COG - Course Over Ground (degrees as float)
- Heading - True heading angle (degrees as float)
- VesselName - Name as shown on the station radio license (text)
- IMO - International Maritime Organization Vessel number (text)
- CallSign - Call sign as assigned by FCC (text)
- VesselType - Vessel type as defined in NAIS specifications (int)
- Status - Navigation status as defined by the COLREGS (text)
- Length - Length of vessel (see NAIS specifications) (meters as float)
- Width - Width of vesses (see NAIS specifications) (meters as float)
- Draft - Draft depth of vessel (see NAIS specification and codes) (meters as float)
- Cargo - Cargo type (SEE NAIS specification and codes) (text)
- TransceiverClass - Class of AIS transceiver (text) (unavailable in 2017 dataset)
This preprocessing program only makes use of the bolded columns above. MMSI maps to sequence_id
, and (LAT, LON) tuples map to state_id
s. action_id
is inferred by looking at sequential state_id
s when data are sorted by BaseDateTime.
- the unique identifier of the ship, represented as integers ascending from 0, an alias for MMSIfrom_state_id
- the coordinate grid square the ship started in for a given transition, represented as an integeraction_id
- the direction and length a ship went to transition between states, represented as an integer.
for more detailto_state_id
- the coordinate grid square the ship ended in for a given transition, represented as an integerlon
(optional) - the original longitude of thefrom_state_id
in the row whenoptions:append_coords
is set toTrue
, unless thefrom_state_id
is an inferred state resulting from interpolation during preprocessing, in which case the longitude will be the middle of the grid square corresponding tofrom_state_id
(optional) - the original latitude of thefrom_state_id
in the row whenoptions:append_coords
is set toTrue
, unless thefrom_state_id
is an inferred state resulting from interpolation during preprocessing, in which case the latitude will be the middle of the grid square corresponding tofrom_state_id
Note: this will not work on windows.
To build the docs, go from the main project directory to the docs
cd docs
Then use make
to completely rebuild the docs.
make clean
make build
Given that the docs build correctly, they can be viewed locally by changing to the build output directory and starting a local http server in python.
cd build/html
python -m http.server