Automated Debian-like systems setup monolith repository.
Full documentation on Readthedocs.
Source code on:
Clone the repository and its submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
This repository includes the following components:
Ansible role to use as a wrapper for apt to manage packages.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- Update the apt cache.
- If the packages_purge variable is defined, purge the packages
- listed on it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, purge the
- packages_purge listed on it.
- If the packages variable is defined, install the packages
- listed on it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, install the packages
- listed on it.
Documentation on aptitude readthedocs.
Code on aptitude Gitlab.
Code on aptitude Github.
Ansible role to setup basic Debian-like systems.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
By default this role applies the following configuration:
- Installs the software:
- apt-transport-https
- bzip2
- ca-certificates
- curl
- sudo
- unrar-free
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- xz-utils
- Configures the following software:
- vim
- Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
- directory.
- Enable syntax highlight.
- Set two spaces instead of tabs.
Documentation on basik readthedocs.
Code on basik Gitlab.
Code on basik Github.
Ansible role to setup Debian-like systems.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
Documentation on constructor readthedocs.
Code on constructor Gitlab.
Code on constructor Github.
Ansible role to setup Debian-like systems desktop configuration.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
By default this role applies the following configuration:
- Installs the base software:
- apt-transport-https
- bzip2
- ca-certificates
- curl
- sudo
- unrar-free
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- xz-utils
- Installs the desktop software:
- audacity
- easytag
- ffmpeg
- gedit
- gimp
- gnome
- gparted
- inkscape
- kdenlive
- keepassx
- obs-studio
- rhythmbox
- vlc
- Configures the base software:
- vim
- Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
- directory.
- Enable syntax highlight.
- Set two spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the desktop software:
- emacs
- Creates a .emacs.d configuration folder on each user home
- directory.
- Enable line numbers.
- Set themes folder.
- Set wintermute theme.
- Use spaces instead of tabs.
Documentation on desktop readthedocs.
Code on desktop Gitlab.
Code on desktop Github.
Ansible role to apply basic developer configuration.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
By default this role applies the following configuration:
- Installs the base software:
- apt-transport-https
- bzip2
- ca-certificates
- curl
- sudo
- unrar-free
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- xz-utils
- Installs the base developer software:
- bats
- emacs
- git
- libtext-csv-perl
- make
- meld
- retext
- ssh-askpass
- texlive-bibtex-extra
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-extra
- tree
- Configures the base software:
- vim
- Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
- directory.
- Enable syntax highlight.
- Set two spaces instead of tabs.
Documentation on develbase readthedocs.
Code on develbase Gitlab.
Code on develbase Github.
Ansible role to apply microcontroller developer configuration.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
By default this role applies the following configuration:
- Installs the base software:
- apt-transport-https
- bzip2
- ca-certificates
- curl
- sudo
- unrar-free
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- xz-utils
- Installs the base developer software:
- bats
- emacs
- git
- libtext-csv-perl
- make
- meld
- retext
- ssh-askpass
- texlive-bibtex-extra
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-extra
- tree
- Installs the microcontroller developer software:
- Via apt:
- clang
- fritzing
- fritzing-data
- fritzing-parts
- python3
- python3-pip
- Via pip:
- platformio
- Configures the base software:
- vim
- Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
- directory.
- Enable syntax highlight.
- Set two spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the base developer software:
- emacs
- Creates a .emacs.d configuration folder on each user home
- directory.
- Enable line numbers.
- Set themes folder.
- Set wintermute theme.
- Use spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the microcontroller developer software:
- emacs
- Set platformio plugin plugin.
- Set keybindings:
- C-c i b: Build the project without auto-uploading.
- C-c i c: Clean compiled objects.
- C-c i u: Build and upload.
groups - Adds users to the groups:
- dialout.
- udev - Adds the rules file
- Creates the following home directory layout:
home/ ├── .emacs.d │ ├── config │ │ ├── base.el │ │ ├── micro.el | │ └── org.el │ ├── init.el │ └── themes │ └── wintermute-theme.el └── .vimrc
- Modifies the following files:
home/ ├── .bashrc └── .profile
Documentation on develmicro readthedocs.
Code on develmicro Gitlab.
Code on develmicro Github.
Ansible role to apply python developer configuration.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
By default this role applies the following configuration:
- Installs the base software:
- apt-transport-https
- bzip2
- ca-certificates
- curl
- sudo
- unrar-free
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- xz-utils
- Installs the base developer software:
- bats
- emacs
- git
- libtext-csv-perl
- make
- meld
- retext
- ssh-askpass
- texlive-bibtex-extra
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-extra
- tree
- Installs the python developer software:
- Via apt:
- direnv
- python3
- python3-pip
- python3-pytest
- python3-venv
- python3-virtualenv
- tox
- Via pip:
- ansible-lint
- autopep8
- flake8
- jedi
- poetry
- sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- rope
- yapf
- Configures the base software:
- vim
- Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
- directory.
- Enable syntax highlight.
- Set two spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the base developer software:
- emacs
- Creates a .emacs.d configuration folder on each user home
- directory.
- Enable line numbers.
- Set themes folder.
- Set wintermute theme.
- Use spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the python developer software:
- direnv
- Enable direnv command on ~/.bashrc file.
- emacs
- C-c C-c: Evaluates the current script.
- C-RET (Enter): Evaluates the curren statement (current
- line plus the
- following nested line).
- C-c C-z: Switches between your script and the interactive
- shell.
- C-c C-d: Displays documentation for the thing under cursor
- (function or module). The documentation will pop in a different buffer, can be closed with q.
- C-c C-t: Run pytest tests.
- M-x tox-current-test: Run tox tests for current test.
- M-x tox-current-class: Run tox tests for current class.
- M-x pdb: Run PDB on a new window.
- C-x: Set breakpoint on current line.
- Add poetry path to the ~/.profile file to maintain
- dependecies aisolated.
- Enable elpy virtual enviroments on the ~/.bashrc file.
- Creates the following home directory layout:
home/ ├── .emacs.d │ ├── base.el │ ├── init.el │ ├── python.el │ └── themes │ └── wintermute-theme.el └── .vimrc
- Modifies the following files:
home/ ├── .bashrc └── .profile
Documentation on develpy readthedocs.
Code on develpy Gitlab.
Code on develpy Github.
Ansible role to apply developer configuration.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
By default this role applies the following configuration:
- Installs the base software:
- apt-transport-https
- bzip2
- ca-certificates
- curl
- sudo
- unrar-free
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- xz-utils
- Installs the base developer software:
- bats
- emacs
- git
- libtext-csv-perl
- make
- meld
- retext
- ssh-askpass
- texlive-bibtex-extra
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-extra
- tree
- Installs the python developer software:
- Via apt:
- direnv
- python3
- python3-pip
- python3-pytest
- python3-venv
- python3-virtualenv
- tox
- Via pip:
- ansible-lint
- autopep8
- flake8
- jedi
- poetry
- sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- rope
- yapf
- Installs the microcontroller developer software:
- Via apt:
- clang
- fritzing
- fritzing-data
- fritzing-parts
- python3
- python3-pip
- Via pip:
- platformio
- Configures the base software:
- vim
- Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
- directory.
- Enable syntax highlight.
- Set two spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the base developer software:
- emacs
- Creates a .emacs.d configuration folder on each user home
- directory.
- Enable line numbers.
- Set themes folder.
- Set wintermute theme.
- Use spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the python developer software:
- direnv
- Enable direnv command on ~/.bashrc file.
- emacs
- C-c C-c: Evaluates the current script.
- C-RET (Enter): Evaluates the curren statement (current
- line plus the
- following nested line).
- C-c C-z: Switches between your script and the interactive
- shell.
- C-c C-d: Displays documentation for the thing under cursor
- (function or module). The documentation will pop in a different buffer, can be closed with q.
- C-c C-t: Run pytest tests.
- M-x tox-current-test: Run tox tests for current test.
- M-x tox-current-class: Run tox tests for current class.
- M-x pdb: Run PDB on a new window.
- C-x: Set breakpoint on current line.
- Add poetry path to the ~/.profile file to maintain
- dependecies aisolated.
- Enable elpy virtual enviroments on the ~/.bashrc file.
- Configures the microcontroller developer software:
- emacs
- Set platformio plugin plugin.
- Set keybindings:
- C-c i b: Build the project without auto-uploading.
- C-c i c: Clean compiled objects.
- C-c i u: Build and upload.
groups - Adds users to the groups:
- dialout.
- udev - Adds the rules file
- Creates the following home directory layout:
home/ ├── little-lab ├── repos ├── .emacs.d │ ├── config │ │ ├── base.el │ │ ├── org.el │ │ └── python.el │ ├── init.el │ └── themes │ └── wintermute-theme.el └── .vimrc
- Modifies the following files:
home/ ├── .bashrc └── .profile
Documentation on devels readthedocs.
Code on devels Gitlab.
Code on devels Github.
Ansible role to add users to system groups.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- If the users variable is defined and the groups variable is
- defined, add all users to the specified groups.
- If the configuration variable is defined, add all users listed
- on it to the specified groups.
Documentation on groups readthedocs.
Code on groups Gitlab.
Code on groups Github.
Skeleton repository for standard user home directory layout.
This repository provides the following file tree layout:
home/ ├── .emacs.d │ ├── config │ │ ├── base.el │ │ └── org.el │ ├── init.el │ └── themes │ └── wintermute-theme.el └── .vimrc
Code on home Gitlab.
Code on home Github.
Ansible role to generate a Linux installer .iso file with or without preseeding.
When using preseeding on the generated iso, the questions asked by the Debian installer during the installation process will be automatically answered and when the installation process ends, the script will be runned to setup the newly installed system.
Documentation on iso readthedocs.
Code on iso Gitlab.
Code on iso Github.
Ansible role to use as a wrapper for npm to install nodejs packages.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- If not already added, add the nodejs repository to the apt sources.
- If not installed, install nodejs.
- If the packages_npm variable is defined, install the npm
- packages listed on it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, install the npm
- packages listed on it.
Documentation on jsnode readthedocs.
Code on jsnode Gitlab.
Code on jsnode Github.
Bash script that uses a stack of Ansible roles to kick-start Debian-like systems.
When executed this script performs the following actions:
- Installs Ansible.
- If the -u (username) parameter is present, the specified user
- is created and added to the sudoers group.
- If the -w (password) parameter is present, the specified
- password is assigned to the created user.
- Configures a very basic text-mode system.
- If the -d (desktop) parameter is present, the gnome desktop
- enviroment is installed.
- If the -x (extra role) parameter is present, the specified
- extra Ansible role is installed and included, additionally if the -v (extra variables) parameter is present, the variable keys and values specified are passed to the extra role.
- If the -r (remove) parameter is present, Ansible is uninstalled
- at the end of the kickstart process.
- For more fine-grained configuration, you can specify a
- configuration file using the -c (configuration) parameter, this parameter is used as the configuration variable and passed to the constrict0r.constructor role.
When a configuration file is specified, the expand variable for the constrict0r.constructor role is setted to true always so when writing configuration files, be sure to use the item_path and item_expand attributes if you need to change the default behaviour (see expand attribute).
For more information see: constructor role.
Documentation on kick readthedocs.
Code on kick Gitlab.
Code on kick Github.
Skeleton repository for the madvillain user home directory layout.
This repository provides the following file tree layout:
home/ ├── .config │ └── gtk-3.0 │ └── bookmarks ├── Documentos │ ├── biblioteca │ │ └── piscunov-cálculo-diferencial-integral-1.pdf │ └── madvillain.yml ├── Imágenes │ ├── animado │ ├── a-publicar │ │ └── existence.jpg │ └── avatar │ └── doom_master.jpg ├── Instaladores │ └── firmware │ └── firmware-iwlwifi_20190114-2_all.deb ├── LICENSE ├── little-lab ├── Música │ └── Doombeats.pls ├── org │ └── org-cv ├── ├── repos └── Vídeos ├── geeklog └── misc
Code on latveria Gitlab.
Code on latveria Github.
Ansible role to apply the ultimate madvillain configuration.
This is capable of:
- Upgrade the system.
- Add apt repository sources.
- Update the apt cache.
- Uninstall apt packages.
- Install apt packages.
- Install npm packages.
- Install pip packages.
- Apply system-wide configuration using git.
- Stop services and disable them.
- Enable services and restart them.
- Create users.
- Add users to groups.
- Apply user-wide configuration using git.
- Run custom user tasks.
By default this role applies the following configuration:
- Installs the base software:
- apt-transport-https
- bzip2
- ca-certificates
- curl
- sudo
- unrar-free
- unzip
- vim
- wget
- xz-utils
- Install the desktop software:
- audacity
- easytag
- ffmpeg
- gedit
- gimp
- gnome
- gparted
- inkscape
- kdenlive
- keepassx
- obs-studio
- rhythmbox
- vlc
- Installs the base developer software:
- bats
- emacs
- git
- libtext-csv-perl
- make
- meld
- retext
- ssh-askpass
- texlive-bibtex-extra
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-extra
- tree
- Installs the python developer software:
- Via apt:
- direnv
- python3
- python3-pip
- python3-pytest
- python3-venv
- python3-virtualenv
- tox
- Via pip:
- ansible-lint
- autopep8
- flake8
- jedi
- poetry
- sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- rope
- yapf
- Installs the microcontroller developer software:
- Via apt:
- clang
- fritzing
- fritzing-data
- fritzing-parts
- python3
- python3-pip
- Via pip:
- platformio
- Installs the madvillain software:
- docker
- docker-compose
- qemu-kvm
- virt-manager
- Configures the base software:
- vim
- Creates a .vimrc configuration file on each user home
- directory.
- Enable syntax highlight.
- Set two spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the desktop software:
- emacs
- Creates a .emacs.d configuration folder on each user home
- directory.
- Enable line numbers.
- Set themes folder.
- Set wintermute theme.
- Use spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the base developer software:
- emacs
- Creates a .emacs.d configuration folder on each user home
- directory.
- Enable line numbers.
- Set themes folder.
- Set wintermute theme.
- Use spaces instead of tabs.
- Configures the python developer software:
- direnv
- Enable direnv command on ~/.bashrc file.
- emacs
- C-c C-c: Evaluates the current script.
- C-RET (Enter): Evaluates the curren statement (current
- line plus the
- following nested line).
- C-c C-z: Switches between your script and the interactive
- shell.
- C-c C-d: Displays documentation for the thing under cursor
- (function or module). The documentation will pop in a different buffer, can be closed with q.
- C-c C-t: Run pytest tests.
- M-x tox-current-test: Run tox tests for current test.
- M-x tox-current-class: Run tox tests for current class.
- M-x pdb: Run PDB on a new window.
- C-x: Set breakpoint on current line.
- Add poetry path to the ~/.profile file to maintain
- dependecies aisolated.
- Enable elpy virtual enviroments on the ~/.bashrc file.
- Configures the microcontroller developer software:
- emacs
- Set platformio plugin plugin.
- Set keybindings:
- C-c i b: Build the project without auto-uploading.
- C-c i c: Clean compiled objects.
- C-c i u: Build and upload.
groups - Adds users to the groups:
- dialout.
- udev - Adds the rules file
- Configures the madvillain software:
- ~/.bashrc
- Adds the changes bash alias to quickly visualize
- repositories that were modified.
- Adds the runit bash alias to quickly run an Ansible
- playbook.
- Adds the gic bash alias to quickly make a git commit and
- push (lazy lazy villain).
- Adds the fixit bash alias to quickly set monitors
- display.
- Disables the Wayland protocol.
- Sets the dock to include the launchers:
- emacs
- firefox.
- libre-office writer.
- nautilus
- rhythmbox
- terminal.
- nautilus
- Adds the following folder bookmarks:
- little-lab
- repos
- virt
- Adds each user to the following groups:
- libvirt
- libvirt-qemu
- kvm
- Creates the following home directory layout:
home/ ├── little-lab ├── repos ├── .emacs.d │ ├── config │ │ ├── base.el │ │ ├── org.el │ │ └── python.el │ ├── init.el │ └── themes │ └── wintermute-theme.el └── .vimrc
- Modifies the following files:
home/ ├── .bashrc ├── .config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks └── .profile
Documentation on madvillain readthedocs.
Code on madvillain Gitlab.
Code on madvillain Github.
Ansible role to use as a wrapper for pip to install python packages.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- Update the apt cache.
- Ensure dependencies are installed.
- If the packages_pip variable is defined, install the python
- packages listed on it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, install the python
- packages listed on it.
Documentation on pyp readthedocs.
Code on pyp Gitlab.
Code on pyp Github.
Ansible role to manage system services.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- If the services_disable variable is defined, stop and disable
- the services listed on it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, stop and disable the
- services_disable listed on it.
- If the services variable is defined, enable and start the
- services listed on it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, enable and start the
- services listed on it.
Documentation on servicez readthedocs.
Code on servicez Gitlab.
Code on servicez Github.
Ansible role to add apt repositories to the apt sources.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- If the repositories variable is defined, add to the apt sources
- the repositories listed on it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, add to the apt
- sources the repositories listed on it.
Documentation on sourcez readthedocs.
Code on sourcez Gitlab.
Code on sourcez Github.
Ansible role to apply system wide configuration.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- Update the apt cache.
- Ensure dependencies are installed.
- If the system_skeleton variable is defined, clone the git
- repositories listed on it into /.
- If the configuration variable is defined, clone the git system
- repositories listed on it into /.
This role do not expand files or URLs by default because the most common case is to specify URLs that points directly to a skeleton repository, so the default behaviour for this role is to treat file paths and URLs as plain text.
You can change the default behaviour by:
- Setting the expand variable to true.
- Add to an item the attribute item_expand setted to true.
Documentation on sysconfig readthedocs.
Code on sysconfig Gitlab.
Code on sysconfig Github.
Ansible role to run arbitrary tasks.
It allows to specify a task file or URL and this role will run it without having to write a playbook or another role.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Update the apt cache.
- Ensure dependencies are installed.
- If the user_tasks variable is defined run each specified task.
- If the configuration variable is defined and the user_tasks
- variable is defined, run each specified task.
Inside each specified task is possible to use the unified variable that will have the list of specified users.
This role do not expand files or URLs by default because the most common case is to specify URLs that points directly to a tasks file, so the default behaviour for this role is to treat file paths and URLs as plain text.
You can change the default behaviour by:
- Setting the expand variable to true.
- Add to an item the attribute item_expand setted to true.
Documentation on task readthedocs.
Code on task Gitlab.
Code on task Github.
Ansible role to unify collections into a single unified collection. Includes a plugin named utils and a module named autodebian.
The items to unify can be single items, collections of items, paths and URLs to .yml files where to load more items.
The variable items is used to specify items to unify, the result is stored on a single unified collection variable. Optionally a secondary unified_b collection will be created if the secondary variable is set to true. If you need more than two unified collections you can use the included unify module.
If the variable expand is set to true or if one item specifies the item_expand attribute as true, the items on each listed file path or URL will be loaded using the variable titles as index, therefore when expanding items from files the variable titles must not be empty.
For example if the value of the items variable is the path /home/username/my-config.yml, the titles variable has the value packages and the expand variable is set to true, this role will try to load a list named packages from the file /home/username/my-config.yml.
The contents of /home/username/my-config.yml could be something like the following:
--- packages: - leafpad - rolldice - /home/username/extra-config.yml - https://my-url/my-config.yml
When the variable expand is set to false, the file paths or URLs found inside the items variable are treated as plain text items, this is useful to maintain files and directories listings, for example for backup purposes.
When adding an item to the unified variable it will be added only if is not already present. On the case of boolean values duplicates are allowed on unified because boolean values are commonly used for checklists.
This role also includes the following functionality:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
Documentation on unify readthedocs.
Code on unify Gitlab.
Code on unify Github.
Ansible role to apply a system upgrade.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- Update the apt cache.
- If the upgrade variable is set to true or if the
- configuration file contains a variable upgrade setted to true, perform a full system upgrade.
Documentation on upgrade readthedocs.
Code on upgrade Gitlab.
Code on upgrade Github.
Ansible role to apply user wide configuration.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- Update the apt cache.
- Ensure dependencies are installed.
- If the user_skeleton variable is defined and the users
- variable is defined, clone the git repositories listed into each user home folder.
- If the configuration variable is defined and the users
- variable is defined, clone the git repositories listed on it into each user home folder.
This role do not expand files or URLs by default because the most common case is to specify URLs that points directly to a skeleton repository, so the default behaviour for this role is to treat file paths and URLs as plain text.
You can change the default behaviour by:
- Setting the expand variable to true.
- Add to an item the attribute item_expand setted to true.
Documentation on userconfig readthedocs.
Code on userconfig Gitlab.
Code on userconfig Github.
Ansible role to create users.
This role performs the following actions:
- Ensure the requirements are installed.
- Ensure the current user can obtain administrative (root)
- permissions.
- If the users variable is defined, create all users listed on
- it.
- If the configuration variable is defined, create all users
- listed on it.
- If the password variable is defined, set this password for all
- created users.
- If an user has defined an item_pass attribute, it will be
- setted as the password for the user.
- If an user has defined an item_groups attribute, it will be
- added to the groups listed on it.
If an user has a item_pass or item_groups attributes defined, then it must have a non-empty item_name attribute defined too.
Documentation on users readthedocs.
Code on users Gitlab.
Code on users Github.
MIT. See the LICENSE file for more details.
The full project structure is shown below:
The Travelling Vaudeville Villain.