ExpenseMate is an expense tracking app with a handy Telegram bot and a front end. Stack:
- Go
- SQLite
You can try a demo, it resets every 3hs. Telegram bot is not enabled.
All varialbes are optional and these are the defaults:
podman container run -p 3535:3535 \
--env STORAGE_ENGINE="sqlite"b\
--env LOAD_SAMPLE_DATA="true" \
--env SQLITE_PATH="./exp.db" \
--env JSON_STORAGE_PATH="./users.json" \
--env VISION_MODEL="llama3.2-vision:11b-instruct-q4_K_M" \
--env TEXT_MODEL="llama3.2:3b-instruct-q6_K" \
--env OLLAMA_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:11434/api/generate" \
cp .env.example .env
podman container run -p 3535:3535 --env-file=.env contre95/expense-mate
podman play kube pod.yml --replace
All configurations are set in the .env
file and passed as environment variables. You can access from localhost:8080
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/contre95/expense-mate.git && cd expense-mate
# Install the dependencies
go mod tidy
# Set the .env (you can leave the defaults for a quick start)
cp .env.example .env
# Source the env variables
. <(cat .env | grep -v -e '^$' | grep -v "#" | awk '{print "export " $1}')
# Run with go
go run ./cmd/main.go
# Alternatively run with air
# air -c air.toml
Optionally you can set up a Telegram bot to interact with the app. All you need is a new bot that can be creating chatting to @BotFather
Check the menu for available commands, please.
/categories - Sends you all the categories available.
/summary - Sends summar of last month's expenses.
/unknown - Categorize unknown expenses. /done and continue in another moment.
/new - Creates a new expense. /fix if you made made a mistake.
/ping - Checks bot availability and health.
/ai - Analyze image/text for expenses. Send /cancel to quit.
/help - Displays this menu.