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Threat Modelling Zero Trust Demo

This repo demonstrates how the example architecture from the ControlPlane talk What can go wrong when you trust nobody? Threat Modelling Zero Trust, can be run locally in a Kind cluster. This allows us to spin up components quickly and easily, with only a small amount of cloud resources required. Understanding each component in more detail by configuring integrations in this manner will ultimately lead to a more comprehensive threat model.

⚠️ This is a proof of concept to support the talk and reinforce the benefits of prototyping early when threat modelling. You are free to use this code as a starting point but don't run it in a production environment.

Two demonstrations are included:

  • Demo 1 - Authenticate to AWS from a Pod in our Kind cluster, using an SVID issued by the cluster's SPIRE server.
  • Demo 2 - Deploy two workloads in an Istio service mesh, with External Authorisation set up using OPA sidecars. OPA policy bundles are downloaded from an S3 bucket. Istio is integrated with SPIRE, and Rego traffic authorisation policies are based on X.509 SVIDs provided to our workloads via SPIRE.


In order to run the examples, an active set of AWS credentials must be available when running the various commands.

This examples uses a number of S3 Buckets, in order to ensure you get unique names, you set the NAME environment variable to something unique to you.

export NAME=something-unique-to-you

Infra Up

  1. Create a Kind cluster and preload third party images
  2. Build and load the various images used in the demo
  3. Deploy SPIRE with OIDC Discovery exposed using an S3 Bucket

More details can be found here.

make cluster-up cluster-preload-images
make image-build-load-jwks-retriever \
  image-build-load-s3-consumer \
  image-build-load-jwt-retriever \
make spire-deploy

These are the key components for this deployment:

Example One

In this scenario an example service retrieves an object from an S3 bucket.

More details can be found here.

  1. Deploy the s3-consumer application
  2. Verify everything is working
  3. Cleanup
make example-one-deploy


make example-one-clean

Example Two

In this scenario we deploy Istio with SPIRE provided X.509 SVIDs for mTLS and a customised OPA Istio sidecar that uses our custom bundle signing plugin utilising KMS keys. Kyverno injects the sidecars into the two workloads and the OPA sidecar reads the JWT SVID from a shared volume and exchanges this for temporary credentials to access S3 and KMS.

More details can be found here.

  1. Deploy Kyverno and Istio
  2. Sign and publish the OPA Bundle and deploy the example workloads
  3. Check the Istio certs are issued by SPIRE
  4. Check the communication uses Istio's External Authorisation (and spell it properly)
  5. Cleanup
make kyverno-deploy istio-deploy
make example-two-opa-publish example-two-deploy
make example-two-check-istio-certs
make example-two-send-requests
make example-two-delete istio-clean

Infra Down

  1. Delete the S3 resources for SPIRE and the Kind cluster
make spire-clean cluster-down