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Evan Siroky edited this page Dec 15, 2016 · 6 revisions



Creates a new Transitive instance. Options include:

  • data (Object) - the Transitive data object to render (see example)
  • styles (Object) - styles to apply (see example)
  • el (Element) - the DOM element to render the main display to
  • legendEl (Element) - the DOM element to render the legend to
  • drawGrid (Boolean) - whether to draw a background grid (defaults to false)
  • gridCellSize (Number) - resolution of the grid in Spherical Mercator meters
  • draggableTypes (Array) - a list of network element types to enable dragging for
  • initialBounds (Array) - initial lon/lat bounds for the display expressed as [[west, south], [east, north]]
  • displayMargins (Object) - padding to apply to the initial rendered network within the display. Expressed in pixels for top/bottom/left/right
  • mapboxId (String) - an Mapbox tileset id for rendering background tiles (Deprecated -- use Leaflet with Leaflet.TransitiveLayer)
  • zoomEnabled (Boolean) - whether to enable the display's built-in zoom/pan functionality (defaults to true)
  • autoResize (Boolean) - whether the display should listen for window resize events and update automatically (defaults to true)
  • zoomFactors (Object Array) - detailed control over zoom-sensitive rendering. See full documentation.

.setElement(element, legendElement)

Sets/updates the main container DOM element, and (optionally), a separate element for the legend.


Updates the current Renderer used to draw the network. Current supported types are 'default' (the standard network renderer) and 'wireframe' (draws a simplified representation of the graph edges and vertices, useful for testing/debugging).


Creates and renders the transitive network for the currently loaded Transitive data object.


Sets the container element and renders the network in a single call.


Redraws a rendered network, e.g. on a pan/zoom action (calls render() first if network has not been rendered).


Clears the current Transitive data object.


Updates the current Transitive data object.


Highlights a specific journey (i.e. an individual path through the network) using the journey's id as defined in the Transitive data object.


Returns an object containing the display's current SVG styling for a given mode, as defined by an OTP mode identifier ("WALK", "BUS", etc.)


Sets the lon/lat bounding box for the display, expressed as [ [west, south], [east, north] ]


Returns the lon/lat bounding box for the currently loaded network, expressed as [ [west, south], [east, north] ]

.resize(width, height)

Updates the dimensions of the display in pixels