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Utku and Ethan pretend to know what they're doing

Project Structure

Nodes are written in src/.

Eventually, the node structure will look something like this, courtesy of Ethan and Rahul:

Node structure Node structure

Progress Tracker

  • Research using our existing RTK base station with the LORD IMU
  • First time setup - Reach M+ and Reach RS+



Just run catkin_make in your workspace as usual. Nothing interesting here right now.


  1. Make sure you have the microstrain_intertial package installed.
  2. Run roslaunch localization_sp24 lord.launch to launch LORD sensor node

OR: If UTM On Apple Silicon

Run (you may need to chmod). This may circumvent all troubleshooting issues.


  • If, upon launching, you get a permission error saying the USB port can't be opened, try giving your user read and write permissions:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
  • If the port can't be opened at all, make sure the device is forwarded properly (if using a VM). You may also try to change the expected device port using a params file for the microstrain_intertial_driver node.

TODO: document new things, as well as new python dependencies: geopandas, osmnx, matplotlib Document how to set up map thing


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