- Ensure you have installed Terraform. For instructions, see Hashicorp's page: https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/getting-started/install.html
Clone this repository.
Ensure the directory is initialized with Terraform by running terraform init from inside the directory:
terraform init
Update ark.tfvars to have relevant information. Example:
region = "us-west-2"
access_key = "ADFADFASFASFA"
secret_key = "ASDFASDFASDFA"
key_name = "ark"
Test the template to ensure it's working:
terraform plan -var-file=./ark.tfvars -input=false
Execute template:
terraform apply -var-file=./ark.tfvars -input=false
ssh into
ssh -i "arkkey.pem" [email protected]
- follow this link for instructions on installing/managing ark on the server