Ansible and Packer IaC() scripts to configure DC/OS and KubeAdm Stock Kubernetes container orchestration clusters and deploy them into VMware environments using simple Ansible inventory host file declarations and a minimal toolset.
Deploy a production ready container orchestration cluster to VMware in minutes while you read hacker news...
Cluster Builder is designed to work with the freely available VMware ESXI Hypervisor and the free use license, as well as the professional desktop versions of VMware Worksation for Windows and Linux, and VMware Fusion for Mac. It has been developed and tested on all platforms.
It will also work with VMware's commercially supported vSphere suite, making it great for both production and non-production environments. There is no cost barrier to using cluster-builder.
Cluster Builder enables both local and remote deployment, leveraging the same toolset to deploy identical cluster images to all environments.
Cluster Builder provides a production grade on-premise deployment and operating model for Kubernetes and DC/OS clusters.
Emphasis is on Kubernetes now that it has won the container orchestration wars.
See here for a visual depiction of the Cluster Builder components.
Cluster Builder is designed to handle all most of the complexity associated with on-premise deployments of DC/OS and Kubernetes container orchestration clusters.
- Supported Clusters
- Deployment Options
- Quick Start Steps
- Setup and Environment Preparation
- Cluster Definition Packages
- General Cluster Configuration
- Kubernetes Versions and Variants
- Kubernetes KubeAdm Configuration
- Cluster Builder Usage
- Deploying a Cluster
- Connecting to a Cluster
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- Change Cluster Password
- Controlling Cluster VM Nodes
- Updating Clusters
- Kubernetes iSCSI Provisioner and Targetd Storage Appliance
- Kubernetes ElasticSearch Logging
- Kubernetes CI Job Service Accounts
- Kubernetes Load Testing Sample Stack
- Helm Setup and KEDA
- CentOS 7.6 DC/OS 2.0
- CentOS 7.6 Kubernetes (Stock
) - Fedora 30 Kubernetes (Stock
) - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Kubernetes (Stock
There are two types of deployment: local machine and remote ESXI hypervisor (or vSphere).
Local deployments are supported for:
- VMware Fusion Pro 10+ for macOS
- VMware Workstation Pro 12+ for Windows
- Vmware Workstation Pro 12+ for Linux
Production usage targets:
- VMware ESXi (direct)
- VMware vSphere
Note that DRS must be turned off when deploying with Cluster Builder to a vSphere/ESXi environment as the toolset currently expects VMs to be on the ESXi hosts specified in the deployment configuration file. A future version will support a vSphere API based deployment option that will leverage and enable functionality such as DRS. While DRS must be turned off during current deployments, it can be turned back on when cluster deployment is complete (which usually only takes a few minutes). This may result in the loss of post-deployment cluster-control capabilities after VMs have been relocated, but should not affect cluster operations or management that relies on SSH. On the up side, you don't need vCenter to perform Cluster Builder deployments. Free ESXi will do nicely.
Each variant starts in the node-packer and uses packer to build a base VMX/OVA template image from distribution iso.
- centos-dcos
DC/OS continues to be reliable and stable and is now deploying version 2.0. Even as they upgraded to their 2.x release series there were no changes required for the cluster installation process, which has remained stable for the life of cluster-builder.
There are three maintained kubeadm
built Kubernetes variants:
- centos-k8s
- fedora-k8s
- ubuntu-k8s
These kubeadm
Kubernetes cluster builds come pre-configured with a core toolset rivaling the latest cloud provider offerings:
- Canal/Flannel CNI network plugin with Network Policy support
- MetalLB the on-premise load balancer
- NGINX or Traefik for ingress and inbound traffic routing
- The Kubernetes Dashboard w/ Heapster integration and dashboard graphics (soon to support Metrics Server)
- iSCSI Provisioner integration and with an external Targetd Storage Appliance VM for PVC storage
- As well as a variety of support Kubernetes platforms in [xtras/k8s/
The CentOS7 K8s cluster has been load tested to perform near the performance of Tectonic CoreOS w/ Canal CNI and with similar stability. Recent builds out perform past CoreOS benchmarks.
The Fedora K8s cluster is the bleeding edge and targetted for experimentation and/or those who want a current 5.x kernel.
Cluster Builder can also deploy a special Targetd Storage Appliance to supply persistent volume storage to Kubernetes clusters.
- targetd-server
For more information on Targetd see the Kubernetes Storage Readme
Note it is best to deploy the Targetd Storage Appliance prior to installing the Kubernetes cluster as the cluster deployment process will deploy and configure an iscsi-provisioner deployment configured for the Targetd server when it already exists - and when the cluster hosts file contains the necessary configuration information for the Targetd.
- Setup the VMware networks according to the guide.
- Ensure all required software is installed and in the PATH.
- Ensure you have your SSH key setup and that it exists as
. - Provision DNS entries
- Follow the steps in the readme below to start deploying clusters!
- Ensure you have one or more VMware ESXi hypervisors available.
- Configure the ESXi hypervisors to support passwordless SSH as per the guide, and ensure SSH is enabled for the ESXi hosts.
- Ensure all required software is installed and in the PATH.
- Ensure you have your SSH key setup and that it exists as
. - Provision DNS entries
- Follow the steps in the readme below to start deploying clusters!
- VMware Fusion Pro 10+ / Workstation Pro 12+
- VMware ESXi 6.5+ (optional)
- VMware's ovftool in $PATH
- Ansible 2.3+
brew install/upgrade ansible
- Hashicorp Packer 1.4+
- kubectl 1.13+ (Kubernetes -
brew install/upgrade kubernetes-cli
) - Docker for Mac or docker-ce
- Python3 and
Linux Workstation Setup Notes
- For local machine deployments, configure VMnet8 (the NAT interface) with correct subnet and DHCP settings for the host file configuration and DNS names you plan to use. The examples are given using either a or subnets (which map to the and example DNS names in the example cluster definition packages), but these can be adjusted as needed. They simply need to align with the deployed desktop_net and desktop_net_type specified in the configuration, which in the case of Windows should be vmnet8.
- Ensure all VMware tools and Packer are in PATH:
- vmrun
- ovftool
- Ensure kubectl is in the PATH (for K8s deployments).
- Ensure docker is in the PATH.
- For local deployments ensure that the cluster definition package configuration uses vmnet8 and nat for the desktop_net and desktop_net_type settings respectively. As mentioned above, the host machine will need to be configured with the correct subnet for vmnet8, and this has to match the networking settings defined for the target cluster configuration.
Note Make sure and use VMware's Virtual Network Editor that comes with the Pro version of Fusion/Workstation. Trying to adjust the interface subnets by hand can be problematic.
macOS Workstation Setup Notes
- The locally deployed examples use a custom VMware Fusion host-only network that maps to vmnet2 with the network This should be created in Fusion Pro before attempting to deploy the desktop demos.
- VMware Workstation Pro 12+
- VMware ESXi 6.5+ (optional)
- Windows Subsystem for Linux by Ubuntu (WSL)
- Ansible installed in the WSL via apt-get
- kubectl installed via the xtras/wsl/install-kubectl script
- docker-ce installed via the xtras/wsl/install-kubectl script
- Hashicorp Packer 1.4+
- Python2 and
installed in the WSL
Windows Workstation Setup Notes
- When starting the WSL Bash shell make sure to start it with Run as Administrator.
- For local machine deployments, configure VMnet8 (the NAT interface) with correct subnet and DHCP settings for the host file configuration and DNS names you plan to use. The examples are given using either a or subnet, but these can be adjusted as needed. They simply need to align with the deployed desktop_net and desktop_net_type specified, which in the case of Windows should be vmnet8.
- Ensure all VMware tools and Packer are in PATH for bash and cmd. This can be done by adding them to the Windows system path:
- vmrun.exe
- ovftool.exe
- Ensure kubectl is in the PATH (for K8s deployments).
- Ensure docker is in the PATH.
- For local deployments ensure that the cluster definition package configuration uses vmnet8 and nat for the desktop_net and desktop_net_type settings respectively. As mentioned above, the host machine will need to be configured with the correct subnet for vmnet8, and this has to match the networking settings defined for the target cluster configuration.
Through experimentation it has been found that for local machine deployments on Windows cluster builder works best on the NAT'd interface, which is VMnet8 by default.
The Cluster Builder Control Box is also an alternative. It is a CentOS7 desktop with all the tools required for running cluster-builder.
It can be used:
- Running locally on a Windows or Linux VMware Workstation, or VMware Fusion for macOS
- Running remotely on an ESXi server
It can even be built remotely directly on an ESXi server, which is the intended purpose. For production deployments it can form the foundation for a control station that operates within the ESX environment and is used to centralize management of the clusters.
For instructions see the Cluster Builder Control Box README.
For all cluster types ensure that the host names specified in the inventory file also resolve. For ESXi deployments these should resolve via DNS. For Fusion deployments you can use /etc/hosts on the host, but DNS resolution still works best.
It is necessary that the value of the cluster-builder operator account be set in the node-packer/keys/authorized_keys. This is required as the scripts use passwordless SSH to access the VMs for provisioning.
You will like want to adjust your sudo timeout if you are doing local workstation deployments with minimal resources. This can be done with visudo and setting the timestamp_timeout value.
The cluster provisioning scripts rely on a VM template OVA that corresponds to the cluster type. These are built by packer and located in node-packer/output_ovas. See the cluster node packer readme. The cluster-deploy script will attempt to build the ova if it isn't found where expected.
Note for Red Hat Deployments The cluster definition package (folder) you create in the clusters folder will need to contain a valid file and rhel.lic file. Additionally, the ISO needs to be manually downloaded and place in node-packer/iso.
Everything is based on the Ansible inventory file, which defines the cluster specifications. These are defined in hosts files located in a folder given the cluster name:
Eg. In the clusters/eg folder there is:
|_ hosts
Sample cluster packages are located in the clusters/eg folder and can be copied into your own clusters/org folder and customized according to your infrastructure and networks.
For a fictional organization ACME, the acme subfolder is created, and the desired cluster definition package (folder) copied:
|_ acme
|_ demo-k8s
- hosts
The following command would then deploy the cluster:
$ bash cluster-deploy acme/demo-k8s
Note that for all the cluster definition package examples you will need to ensure that the network specified, and DNS names used resolve correctly to the IP Addresses specified in the hosts files. Eg.
k8s-m1.idstudios.local ansible_host=
In the example, the inventory host name k8s-m1.idstudios.local must resolve to, and the subnet used must align with either the subnet of the local assigned VMware network interface, or the subnet of the assigned ESXi VLAN.
The demo series of local deployments use DNS names hosted by, which resolve to local private network addresses. These domain names can be used for local deployments if the subnet/addressing is also used sin your local environments.
The following guides containe some specific setup information depending on the target deployment, with configuration parameters for defining the VMware network and environment specifics.
See the Local Deployment Guide for details about deploying on VMware Fusion and Workstation.
See the ESXi Deployment Guide for details about deploying to ESXi hypervisor(s).
Note that all CentOS/Fedora based clusters use
as the default management account and Ansible remote_user, where Ubuntu based clusters usesysop
as the default management account and Ansible remote_user.
With each release the default Kubernetes cluster profile (described in subsequent sections of this readme) is tested w/ the following version combinations. Deployments are tested as both local workstation and ESXi deployments. Recipes and template host files are readily available for most combinations in clusters/eg and can be tailored to your environment.
k8s version | centos-k8s | fedora-k8s | ubuntu-k8s |
1.12 | S | S | S |
1.13 | HA | HA | HA |
1.14 | HA | HA | HA |
1.15 | HA | HA | HA |
1.16 | HA | HA | HA |
1.17 | HA | HA | HA |
HA = multi-master and single master configurations supported S = single master only
cluster-builder supports the last 4 versions of Kubernetes, and with each new release, deprecates the oldest release. There is no reason to remove the scripts, but they will fall out of the test cycle and be pruned in due course.
The Kubernetes release cycle cadence seems to suggest that 4 versions approximates 12-18 months of coverage, which represents a sane cut-off point, though the cluster deployment variants are likely to continue working well past that point.
One of these days (soon) I will get around to automating the test matrix as a CI pipeline.
With respect to centos-k8s
, fedora-k8s
and ubuntu-k8s
based kubeadm
clusters there are additional configuration parameters to those described in the general guides:
The k8s_version setting controls what version of the kubernetes binaries are installed on the nodes.
This can be used to set a specific version of 1.13 or 1.14, or it can be set to the latest patch release in the series using the * wildcard.
The k8s_network_cni setting can be one of: canal or calico. It defaults to canal.
Only canal supports network policy at the present time as calico requires Istio and is somewhat more complicated to stabilize. Work is still underway on a calico-policy variant.
The k8s_metallb_address_range setting, when populated, will trigger the install of MetalLB, the on-premise load balancer for Kubernetes. It must be set to a valid address range for the cluster, with a subnet routeable to the cluster nodes.
The k8s_ingress_controller setting can be one of: nginx, traefik-nodeport, traefik-daemonset or traefik-deploymnet. It defaults to nginx which is exposed over NodePort.
This defaults to for Canal and for Calico, but may conflict with your environment if this network is already in use. Use k8s_cluster_cidr to override.
As an example, my management network is
, and my local virtual network for VMware is192.168.100.0/24
. Therefore the default for Calico will not work and many of the pods would not start due to network address conflict.
The k8s_control_plane_uri setting should be either a load balancer or round-robin DNS configuration that resolves to all of the master nodes.
The k8s_ingress_url setting should be either a load balancer or round-robin DNS configuration that resolves to all of the worker nodes.
The k8s_cluster_token should be unique to each cluster.
The k8s_workloads_on_master setting removes all taints on the master node that prevent pods from being scheduled, allowing workloads on the master node. Used mostly for single node development clusters.
(optional) This can be used to fix a crashing CoreDNS when deploying to some environments with calico, the cause is under invesigation, and the workaround does not appear to impair cluster function. If it is not needed in your environment it can be left out of the configuration.
This defaults to false, but can be overridden to enable a Kubernetes tailored set of firewalld service definitions.
k8s_encryption_key=`head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64 -i -`
If a valid key is specified it will be used, otherwise the default is to generate a new secrets encryption key per cluster deployment on the fly using the command shown.
k8s_container_runtime=docker | cri-o
The default is to use the docker runtime. cri-o is an option, but has not been successfully configured and is currently under development.
k8s_install_dashboard=true | false
The default is to install the appropriate Kubernetes dashboard for the cluster version.
The following formulas are largely interchangeable within the matrix of supported versions and variants.
For local development single node deployments (k8s_workloads_on_master
), as in the demo-k8s example, when planning to install Istio and Knative ensure to allocate at least 5GB of RAM and 4 vCPU to your single node cluster.
The Targetd Storage Appliance provides backing iSCSI dynamic volumes to one or more Kubernetes clusters. It can simulate a SAN appliance in pre-production scenarios. It is configured with a 1TB thinly provisioned volume. It provides persistent storage for stateful services, and can also be configured as an NFS server to provide shared storage to front end web farms, etc.
This one is a must have. It is especially handy on local laptop deployments for providing dynamic PVC volume provisioning, which is often required of helm charts and complex deployments.
Adjust the settings to suit your environment, and then simply copy the settings block into any cluster configuration you wish to have access to the iSCSI services.
See the full examples for local deployment and ESXi deployment.
A stable foundation upon which to build production service deployments:
- CentOS 7.6 (1908) minimal OS node
1.13.x-1.16.x Kubernetes w/ Canal CNI network plugin w/ Network Policy- MetalLB baremetal load balancer
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- Kubernetes Dashboard w/ Heapster, Grafana, InfluxDB
(As shown in the example below, deployed to the local VMware Fusion private network of
See the full examples for local deployment and ESXi deployment.
The 1.15 Kubernetes on a 5.x kernel:
- Fedora 30 minimal OS node
1.13.x-1.16.x Kubernetes w/ Canal CNI network plugin w/ Network Policy- MetalLB baremetal load balancer
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- Kubernetes Dashboard w/ Heapster, Grafana, InfluxDB
- iSCSI Provisioner for dynamic PVC volume provisioning against backing Targetd Storage Appliance.
(As shown in the example below, deployed to the ESXi network of
This Fedora recipe works with all stated versions.
esxi_net="VM Network"
k8sf-m1 ansible_host=
k8sf-w1 ansible_host=
k8sf-w2 ansible_host=
k8sf-w3 ansible_host=
k8sf-w4 ansible_host=
k8sf-w5 ansible_host=
k8sf-m1 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-6 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore6-ssd
k8sf-w1 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-1 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore1
k8sf-w2 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-2 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore2
k8sf-w3 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-3 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore3
k8sf-w4 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-4 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore4
k8sf-w5 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-5 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore5-m2
Note that these examples are setup to make use of a Targetd Storage Appliance that had been previously deployed.
Note also the use of ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 as the newest Fedora OVA Node Image uses Python3 exclusively. The above example can be found in clusters/eg/esxi-k8sf/hosts
The latest HA Kubernetes 1.16 on an Ubuntu LTS foundation:
- Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS minimal OS node
1.13.x-1.16.x Kubernetes w/ Canal CNI network plugin w/ Network Policy- MetalLB baremetal load balancer
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- Kubernetes Dashboard w/ Heapster, Grafana, InfluxDB
- iSCSI Provisioner for dynamic PVC volume provisioning against backing Targetd Storage Appliance.
(As shown in the example below, deployed to the ESXi network of
Note that with ubuntu-k8s deployments it is necessary to change the remote_user to sysop.
esxi_net="VM Network"
k8sb-m1 ansible_host=
k8sb-m2 ansible_host=
k8sb-m3 ansible_host=
k8sb-w1 ansible_host=
k8sb-w2 ansible_host=
k8sb-w3 ansible_host=
k8sb-w4 ansible_host=
k8sb-w5 ansible_host=
k8sb-m1 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-6 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore6-ssd
k8sb-m2 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-7 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore7
k8sb-m3 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-5 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore5-m2
k8sb-w1 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-1 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore1
k8sb-w2 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-2 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore2
k8sb-w3 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-3 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore3
k8sb-w4 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-4 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore4
k8sb-w5 numvcpus=4 memsize=5144 esxi_host=esxi-5 esxi_user=root esxi_ds=datastore5-m2
Note that these examples are setup to make use of a Targetd Storage Appliance that had been previously deployed.
Note also the use of ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 as the newest Fedora OVA Node Image uses Python3 exclusively. The above example can be found in clusters/eg/esxi-k8sf/hosts
- Kubernetes 1.14 (Single Node) CentOS 7.6 - VMware Fusion/Workstation
- DC/OS in VMware Fusion/Workstation
The Cluster Builder project is designed as a generic toolset for deployment. All user specific configuration information is stored in the cluster definition packages which are kept in the clusters folder.
It is recommended that an organization establish a base folder git repository within the clusters folder to store their cluster definition packages. Anything kept in clusters will be ignored by the parent cluster-builder git repository.
|_ clusters
|_ ids # an organization - git repo - named anything - shorter is better
|_ k8s-dev # a cluster definition package in the organization repo
|_ hosts # the cluster inventory hosts file
All resulting artifacts from Cluster Builder are then stored within the cluster definition package.
To deploy a cluster use cluster-deploy:
$ bash cluster-deploy <inventory-package | cluster-name>
$ bash cluster-deploy eg/demo-k8s
Once a cluster has been deployed, all of the required and relevant artifacts for administering that cluster will be located in the cluster definition package folder. Keep these safe (such as in a secure source control repository or vault).
In the case of Kubernetes, a kube-config file will be located in the cluster package folder. The cluster can then be managed using this configuration file:
$ kubectl --kubeconfig <cluster pkg folder path>/kube-config get pods --all-namespaces
Or the details in the kube-config
file can be merged into your ~/.kube/config
You will also find all other artifacts used in the creation of the cluster, such as the
, cluster certificates, and scripts to join additional master and worker nodes.
Connecting to the Kubernetes Dashboard follows the standard process:
kubectl --kubeconfig <cluster pkg folder path>/kube-config proxy
Then browse to the following url: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/login
Tip: Bookmark that!
Choose the token
option for authentication. You can find the token required in the cluster package folder in a file called web-ui-token
. Paste the contents into the login dialog and you will be authenticated to the Kubernetes Dashboard in the cluster-admin role.
Note the idle CPU and memory effeciency of the cluster in the heapster process resource allocation graphs.
Change password is now integrated into the cluster deployment process.
For CentOS deployments, both the root and admin passwords are prompted for change at the end of the cluster deployment.
A bit of an annoyance, but it is integrated to ensure that clusters are never deployed into production with default root passwords. TODO: Enhance to support prompt-free deployments.
This functionality is also available as as top level script:
bash cluster-passwd <cluster package> [user to change]
bash cluster-passwd eg/esxi-k8s admin
It is intended to be run on a regular basis as per the standard operating procedures for password change management.
There are ansible tasks that use the inventory files to execute VM control commands. This is useful for suspending or restarting the entire cluster. It also enables complete deletion of a cluster using the destroy action directive.
Use cluster-control:
bash cluster-control <inventory-package | cluster-name> <action: one of stop|suspend|start|destroy>
$ bash cluster-control eg/demo-k8s suspend
This command will update the cluster nodes binaries to the latest version, as well as orchestrate a controlled minor update or controlled major update of a Kubernetes cluster.
Use cluster-update:
bash cluster-update <inventory-package | cluster-name>
$ bash cluster-update eg/demo-k8s
When the k8s_version format 1.xx.*
is used (eg. 1.14.*), the cluster-update
command will update Kubernetes to the latest minor version in the series.
To perform a major Kubernetes version upgrade, update the k8s_version in the hosts file to the next major version of Kubernetes (eg. 1.15.*), and then run cluster-update
Minor Kubernetes version upgrades should work for all variants.
Major Kubernetes version upgrades have been tested migrating up one version at a time (eg. 1.15 -> 1.16).
You can set the wait time, in seconds for the pause after each node is drained as k8s_version_upgrade_eviction_seconds and the wait after each node is uncordoned as k8s_version_upgrade_node_recovery_seconds, or not specify them and go with the defaults.
When specifying specific minor version you may use the wildcard, such as 1.15.3*, as version specification formats can vary between distributions.
If the cluster-update
script fails during the upgrade process, in can be restarted. If it fails to complete the upgrade successfully after several tries, the upgrade will need to be completed manually.
Always test this process on an identical cluster profile before trying it in production. Ideally, A/B cluster deployment and service migration is preferred as it is a more predictable, verifiable upgrade strategy. In-place cluster upgrades are always risky business.
As Kubernetes provides native storage support for iSCSI and NFS, the cleanest most efficient path to providing persistent volume ReadWriteOnce storage is to leverage iSCSI.
The Cluster Builder kubeadm
Kubernetes deployment can be paired with a Targetd Server Appliance VM that can provide dynamically provisioned PVCs using the open-iscsi platform.
For details see the Kubernetes iSCSI Storage Guide s
As of release 19.04 all Kubernetes clusters are configured for json-file
logging to support log aggregation using fluent-bit
Note that this configuration is designed to work OOTB with the Targetd Storage Appliance and the MetalLB load balancer. If these are not part of the cluster-builder configuration, the installation will need to be modified. All logging services are configured to reside in the
To install and configure ElasticSearch for log aggregation:
Ensure that you have installed the Targetd Storage Appliance and configured your cluster with the
. Elastic log data will be stored on PVCs hosted on the appliance. -
Install the
stack, configured to use the iscsi storage provider.
kubectl apply -f xtras/k8s/elastic/elastic.yml
- Wait for the installation to complete:
kubectl rollout status sts/es-cluster -n kube-logging
- Install the
collector DaemonSet:
kubectl apply -f xtras/k8s/elastic/fluent-bit.yml
- Wait for the
installation to complete:
kubectl rollout status ds/fluent-bit -n kube-logging
- Install
kubectl apply -f xtras/k8s/elastic/kibana.yml
Verify the assigned IP Addresses for the ElasticSearch and Kibana services:
kubectl get svc -n kube-logging
The output should resemble the following example:
elasticsearch LoadBalancer 9200:31513/TCP,9300:30019/TCP 46m
kibana LoadBalancer 5601:31667/TCP 37m
You can verify the operation of ElasticSearch:
$ curl http://<external-ip>:9200
"name" : "es-cluster-2",
"cluster_name" : "k8s-logs",
"cluster_uuid" : "TUAs0QJnTRinewzreumWUA",
"version" : {
"number" : "6.4.3",
"build_flavor" : "oss",
"build_type" : "tar",
"build_hash" : "fe40335",
"build_date" : "2018-10-30T23:17:19.084789Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "7.4.0",
"minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "5.6.0",
"minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "5.0.0"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
Open Kibana at the external-ip address, on port :5601.
Look for the following indexes from the fluent-bit
- kube-*, all the container logs from the cluster
- node-cpu*, a stream of node cpu metrics
- node-mem*, a stream of node memory metrics
Kubernetes RBAC and service accounts offer a popular model for granting controlled access to CI/CD processes. It involves creating a ClusterRole
with the necessary object/verb permission ACLs, and then associating it via ClusterRoleBinding
to a Kubernetes service account, authenticated via an access token, stored as a Secret
kubectl create serviceaccount ci-runner
kubectl get secrets kubectl describe secret ci-runner-
This will show two tokens, the CA and the user token. Use them to construct a kube-config for your cluster using the ci-runner service account.
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: LS0tL<blah>
name: k8s-01-runner
- context:
cluster: k8s-01-runner
user: ci-runner
name: k8s-01-runner
current-context: k8s-01-runner
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: ci-runner
token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJrdWJlcm5ldGVzL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9uYW1lc3BhY2UiOiJkZWZhdWx0Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9zZWNyZXQubmFtZSI6ImNpLXJ1bm5lci10b2tlbi05N3dycCIsImt1YmVybmV0ZXMuaW8vc2VydmljZWFjY291bnQvc2VydmljZS1hY2NvdW50Lm5hbWUiOiJjaS1ydW5uZXIiLCJrdWJlcm5ldGVzLmlvL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50L3NlcnZpY2UtYWNjb3VudC51aWQiOiI3ZTY4OTMyYS00M2FjLTExZTgtYjM1Zi0wMDUwNTY4YTVkNjciLCJzdWIiOiJzeXN0ZW06c2VydmljZWFjY291bnQ6ZGVmYXVsdDpjaS1ydW5uZXIifQ.c6nkA8PK1-NJ2ObOwHpaARpDLddPlAgzHcyEh0xM1F88UbpTBh3DdkA_xc0dtJUOeTOn4CrUYgBOPgbFfurweSix53G4wOeOnYnxJrA7PtPJjXUn54peGse_LFp6UCaufPEPcCvVgc2UcRL4DSLPZWwziGhxhm4p-qsTbl_r9SQhvAC_CKYyrYX00q_vcZQS-cdqvo1e34YVIb7W7neWCmzEitKwslMz0IkFYkgJbrQU2RvkmVDEhzBTm0qf6DthzvnEzRXTkMPBvuIAZd6AMCKffzF-XKRWkkV9HTRc2Muu0rZEWkSsPqd_hEMxfrPCOhu2l8n9AVAZ4GrkWOC2_w
Save this as ci-runner-kube-config
kubectl --kubeconfig ci-runner-kube-config config use-context k8s-01-runner
kubectl --kubeconfig ci-runner-kube-config get pods
You will see a message indicating that the ci-runner service account does not have access.
kind: ClusterRole
name: ci-runner-role
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
kind: RoleBinding
name: ci-runner-role-binding
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: ci-runner-role
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: ci-runner
namespace: default
In this example ci-runner has access to get,list and watch pods in the default namespace.
For a CI/CD deployment your ACLs may look more like the following:
kind: ClusterRole
name: ci-runner-role
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: ["*"]
Which grants full access to the service account namespace (in this case default).
cat ci-runner-kube-config | base64 | pbcopy
And paste it in the secrets stored in Gitlab Project > Settings > CI/CD > Secret Variables.
Then use the codeified kube-config to access the target Kubernetes cluster in Gitlab CI/CD:
stage: deploy
image: lwolf/helm-kubectl-docker:v152_213
- mkdir -p /etc/deploy
- echo ${kube_config} | base64 -d > ${KUBECONFIG}
- kubectl config use-context k8s-01
- kubectl get pods -n kube-system
- kubectl do some deployment stuff here
- master
A sample application stack has been included with cluster-builder that can be used to perform basic performance and load testing on deployed Kubernetes clusters.
It is comprised of a MariaDB Galera Active/Active 3 or 5 Node Database Cluster paired with a Drupal 7 web front-end, which accesses the database through either a dedicated HA Proxy (legacy mode), or via an internal native k8s load balanced service.
For guidance on generating the manifests for your Cluster Builder cluster, deploying the stack, and performing load tests, see the Drupal K8s Test Stack Guide.
There is also an experimental ansible-playbook
that generates a standard 3 replica drupal cms + 3 node active/active mariadb galera database sample stack. It generates all of the templates listed in the guide, and installs the stack as per a defined unified configuration file:
Eg. 'drupal-stack.conf'
Store the drupal-stack.conf
in the cluster package folder, and then execute the playbook from the root cluster-builder folder:
$ ansible-playbook -i clusters/<org>/<cluster>/drupal-stack.conf ansible/drupal-stack.yml
This will generate the template yaml files and install the stack.
Note that this is based on a MetalLB load balanced cluster and a configured iscsi provisioner, configured to use the default Targetd Storage Appliance settings. If this does not match your configuration you will need to manually adjust the manifests and execute them manually as per the guide.
To install helm
in the cluster, first apply the necessary CRD
to give tiller the required permissions:
$ kubectl apply -f xtras/k8s/tiller-rbac.yml
Then download and install the helm
binary locally, and run the helm init
Then patch the tiller
deployment to use the provisioned service account:
bash xtras/k8s/tiller-patch
Now you should be able to use helm
to install packages such as KEDA.
To install KEDA, use the following:
helm install kedacore/keda-edge --devel --set rbac.create=true --set logLevel=debug --namespace keda --name keda
Note that this may also work
helm init --upgrade --service-account tiller
, TODO: explore a cleaner method for helm setup until they finally get rid of tiller. Eg.
kubectl --namespace kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
All details pertaining to the above exist within this codebase. The cluster-builder starts with the distribution iso file in the initial node-packer phase, and everything from the initial kickstart install through to the final ansible playbook are documented within the IaC codebase. There is absolutely nothing hidden, and a lot to be gained from understanding the various component parts of how it achieves on-premise Kubernetes deployment. There are many ways to design and author a cluster-builder Iac, this is one of them.