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Beautifully designed Bitcoin Wallet & Portfolio UI template.

Powered by GoldRush UI Kit. Open-source & Customizable.

View Live Template

Explore a live deployment of the template, showcasing its features and UI components in action.

One-Click Deploy

Deploy with Vercel

Quickly create your own deployment on Vercel with one click. This will set up a clone of the template, ready to be customized. This will also be unlinked from the original template.

Note: You will need your GoldRush API key to set the NEXT_PUBLIC_GOLDRUSH_API_KEY environment variable.

Local Setup

This repo is set up as a public template so you can either Fork to create a linked repo to pull in updates, or select Use this template to create an unlinked copy that will not inherit any issues, PRs or updates from the original.

  1. Install package dependencies using: npm install.
  2. Create an .env.local in your root directory and add your GoldRush API key:
  3. Run the template with:
    npm run dev


This template can be quickly customized from goldrush.config.ts. By default, it looks like:

import { type GoldRushConfig } from "@/utils/types/shared.types";

export const goldrushConfig: GoldRushConfig = {
  brand: {
    title: "GoldRush",
    subtitle: "Bitcoin Wallet & Portfolio UI",
    logo_url: "/goldrush-logo.png",
    github: "",
  theme: {
    borderRadius: 6,
    colors: {
      dark: {
        primary: "#FF4C8B",
        background: "#000426",
        foreground: "#FFFFFF",
        secondary: "#868E96",
      light: {
        primary: "#FF4C8B",
        background: "#FFFFFF",
        foreground: "#1C2024",
        secondary: "#868E96",
    mode: "light",
  gtag_id: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_TAG_ID || null,

export default goldrushConfig;
  1. brand: This objects sets the title and logo in the top left nav bar.

    A 40x40px logo size is recommended.

  2. theme: This object is an extension of the GoldRush UI Kit theme config. Explore the theme settings here.

  3. gtag_id: This is an optional Google Analytics tag ID (format; G-**********) for tracking traffic to your Block Explorer.


  1. Real-time Wallet Details: Provides up-to-date information on bitcoin transactions, and balances for a wallet address in real time, giving users the latest data.
  2. Ready-to-use customizable template: Jumpstart your dApp journey with a beautifully designed UI that’s both intuitive and engaging.
  3. HD and Non-HD Address Support: Supports both HD and Non-HD bitcoin addresses.
  4. UI Template: The GoldRush Bitcoin Wallet & Portfolio UI can be customized with different colors and modes per deployment.


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

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This project is MIT licensed.