date: | last revision January 2017 |
GEOtop is a distributed model of the mass and energy balance of the hydrological cycle, which is applicable to simulations in continuum in small catchments. GEOtop deals with the effects of topography on the interaction between energy balance and hydrological cycle with peculiar solutions.
GEOtop is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3. A copy of the license text can be found in the COPYING file.
You can find more informations about GEOtop on the following website
where the model is briefly described and links to papers and other useful websites have been collected.
If you want to build GEOtop from sources in your own machine:
see here:
If you prefer to install GEOtop via Docker to avoid manual installation of packages:
see here:
in the doc directory there is some documentation. An old version of the manual (currently under revision) can be found there as well.
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