- Email/text notification on completion/filament runout (macros/email.cfg, macros/events.cfg, macros/send_email.py, vars.sh)
- Git add, commit, push, pull (macros/git.cfg)
- Idle power off (macros/power.cfg)
- M600, Filament runout, pause, resume (macros/events.cfg)
- START_PRINT with purge line, and END_PRINT commands (macros/events.cfg)
- Creating new bed mesh after every X prints (macros/events.cfg, variables.cfg)
- gcode_shell_command is required. Install using kiauh from Advanced menu.
- If you don't have a smart switch for auto power off, then don't take macros/power.cfg
- If you don't need git push/pull macros, then don't take macros/git.cfg
- Make sure you don't have duplicate conflicts with required.cfg
- Update printer.cfg to include the additional cfg files
# Sample includes
[include macros/*.cfg]
[include required.cfg]
- Update vars.sh with your email details.
- Can use email to sms as well if you want a text message (varies between providers, search on google).
- Recipients are comma delimited
- Slicer start/end gcode should have START_PRINT and END_PRINT
- START_PRINT requires hotend temp and bed temp parameters passed in
; Sample Cura START_PRINT
START_PRINT HOTEND={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED={material_bed_temperature_layer_0}
- END_PRINT requires machine depth (Max Y) passed in.
; Sample Cura END_PRINT
- Update prints_til_probe value in variables.cfg in order set your preferred X number of probes before re-creating bed mesh
- Configure filament sensor to call email macro by adding runout_code to your filament sensor section, then call M600 to perform runout actions to pause and eject filament
# Sample Filament Motion Sensor
[filament_motion_sensor btt_sensor]
detection_length: 100.0
extruder: extruder
switch_pin: PA4
pause_on_runout: false
{action_respond_info("RUNOUT: Filament runout")}
- Add a power device in moonraker.conf in order for auto power off to work
# Sample Tasmota Device
[power tasmota]
type: tasmota
address: tasmota-ender
restart_klipper_when_powered: True
- If you want to utilize the git pull/push macros, setup your git repository in ~/klipper_config
- Create directory with your hostname in ~/klipper_config/backups/ where it will backup your printer specific config files