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cr0t's dotfiles

A set of configuration files I prefer to have across my computers.


On macOS consider to set keyboard repeat to the fastest values via console:

defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10 # normal minimum is 15 (225 ms)
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1 # normal minimum is 2 (30 ms)


See for more options that we can control using the default command.


These files use "symlink" strategy, and it worked for many years on both macOS and Linux. manages creation of the symlinks to various directories or directly to some files in the user home, so it is safe in most cases.

Clone the repo, link:

git clone ~/.dotfiles
~/.dotfiles/ link


To clean up the links, run ~/.dotfiles/ clean.

Brew in Apps and Utilities

In case of fresh machine installation, consider to run brew bundle --no-lock command in the ~/.dotfiles directory to install command line apps, utilities, and desktop applications.

See Brewfile for the apps.

Docker CLI and Colima

As we do not really need to use Docker Desktop (especially, because its license might cost money in some cases), we use free CLI version. However, it cannot work out-of-box and needs some love, or actually, runtime, for which we use Colima. All of the packages we need are in the Brewfile, but we need a manual touch to do the magic.

Save this as ~/.docker/config.json:

  "auths": {},
  "cliPluginsExtraDirs": [
  "credsStore": "osxkeychain",
  "currentContext": "colima"

Before running Docker-commands, run colima start and wait for VM to set up.


Don't forget to sign in to GitHub Registry (to push images there) by running:

docker login --username cr0t

Use a token with 'write:packages' scope as a password. You can generate one here.

This setup is based on this blog post.


Check Neovim as asdf's plugin notes on how to install up-to-date version of Neovim in Ubuntu, for example.

Follow this checklist:

  • Nerd Fonts (MesloLGS)
  • Install ASDF plugins and Elixir, Erlang, Node.js, and Ruby (to allow setting up all the LSPs defined in Mason)


Please, refer to the docs/ for details.

Configure asdf

Install all the plugins we will need:

asdf plugin add erlang
asdf plugin add elixir
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin add ruby

…and the languages themselves:

env KERL_BUILD_DOCS=yes KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--without-javac" asdf install erlang 27.0.1
asdf install elixir 1.17.2-otp-27
asdf install nodejs 22.4.1
asdf install ruby 3.3.4


These options for Erlang installation command will ensure building the docs, so we can use h :rand.uniform (and similar) commands during IEx sessions.

Now we can set globally available (for the user, of course) languages versions:

asdf global erlang 27.0.1
asdf global elixir 1.17.2-otp-27
asdf global nodejs 22.4.1
asdf global ruby 3.4.1

asdf global ... command adds settings to ~/.tool-versions file; we can create and update this file manually.

Extra: Neovim as asdf's plugin

Consider installing Neovim via asdf plugin.

In Ubuntu, for example, it allows installing stable version 0.8+ (apt's version is only ~0.7 at the moment of writing).

asdf plugin add neovim
asdf install neovim 0.10.0
asdf global neovim stable

Setup .ssh

Don't forget to create the ~/.ssh folder and set proper permissions:

chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod -R go= ~/.ssh
chmod -w ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
chmod -w ~/.ssh/id_ed*

See examples and more information in the docs/ file.

Directory littles

Contains a set of my tiny scripts, a variety of helpers, snippets, etc. Most of them are pretty much for my personal needs. Read the source and, if you need, install them manually to the bin directory; or make them available in your PATH env variable, like this:

export PATH="$PATH:~/.dotfiles/littles"

Local littles

By default, we set up $PATH to check ~/.local/bin directory too. If you need to have some scripts available only on some particular machine (like temp scripts for your current projects) which you do not want to commit to this repo, put these scripts there.

Adding to Crontab

Consider adding this little automatization helper to run after each boot by adding this to crontab:

@reboot /Users/cr0t/.dotfiles/littles/ &

Set Local Environment Variables

fish's alternative to .bashrc is located at ~/.config/fish/ We do not overwrite this file by these dotfiles, so it's totally local to a machine.

To define a new variable we do something like that in this file:

if status is-interactive
    set -x GITLAB_TOKEN 'glpat-***'
    set -x KUBECONFIG "$HOME/.kube/config-company:$HOME/.kube/config-homelab"
    set -x EDITOR nvim


Check docs/ for more notes about these dotfiles, or docs/ for my personal k8s cheat sheet.