[Added] Provide all
locale option instead of always requiring one.
[Improved] Refactored Asset element type importing, include locale content.
[Improved] Better support for Craft Client default author for elements.
[Improved] Empty date/time can now be set for date fields.
[Improved] Improved Checkbox/Radio/Multiselect data parsing.
[Improved] Plugin events are now triggered when calling the debug action.
[Improved] Long URLs are now truncated on feeds index in the CP.
[Improved] Improved assets-uploading without extension.
[Fixed] Properly support third-party element types.
[Fixed] Properly support third-party data types (thanks to @timeverts ).
[Fixed] Fixed default value for dropdown field (when no value matches).
[Fixed] Better error-handling when importing into specific locale.
[Fixed] Ensure default start/date are correctly parsed entries/commerce.
[Fixed] Ensure checks for element attributes include fallback. Can cause issues with fields with handles the same as element attributes.
[Fixed] Lightswitch field now properly check for boolean values.
[Fixed] Fixed User Photos not being mapped.
[Fixed] Fixed preferredLocale
not being mapped to users.
[Fixed] Fixed logging license response on ping. This caused an error to be raised during feed processing at times.
[Fixed] Fixed for Asset Element not matching against filename data.
[Fixed] Fixes for Matrix/Table importing.
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