635b8cc !.
8b1be01 "Adding to your hosts file"
dfa2a22 0.10.0
d6caa96 Adding Sites / Adding Mounts
5f13c2d Document remove
e3474a8 Fixed example
2353784 Fixed typo
b7e8c55 Intall Multipass as part of install instructions
72676df Merge branch 'develop' into feature/readme
8d99691 Merge branch 'release/0.10.0'
e8ef661 Merge pull request #84 from craftcms/feature/readme
8e5d867 Nitro now installs/updates to a temp folder.
d1d68e6 No need to say this twice
1bda87b Only run init from install if there wasn’t an error
7139f0b Remove Requirements TOC link
55f8f8b Removed machine *
commands from TOC
7e0d202 Shell code block cleanup
dca4dec Tell buddy to clear caches
66b064d Tweaks
e58f347 Typo
20c0e46 Update to installer.getnitro.sh
b86e869 Updated readme per latest planned changes
e92afa2 Updated the release notes
d2af5a3 Upgrade notes
5526374 abstract hosts editing
2fec8b1 abstract sudo commands to package
2588620 add RemoverSaver and Remove to hosts
96e8701 add destroy to top level
0278f05 add hosts/remove command as hidden
507ce36 add init command to installer
490a201 add local target to build and mv into bin
3c5ff55 add short help for init
70d062e add tests and helper for path normalizing
65fd366 add zip to windows
462a9df capital N
214efe9 changelog
0aa5814 check for NITRO_DEFAULT_MACHINE env var
d2a8315 cleanup makefile
bca1feb clear cache on release
06301a8 create diff package
3317ad4 create find package
ca2578d create version package
1c5939d destroy command now allows machine name as arg
03da022 docs and cleanup
045365e docs and interface for AdderSaver
30521a7 document changes to destroy
bd5502e don’t delete the yaml on destroy
cfcf5b1 don’t hide apply
cef7508 ensure xdebug off restarts php-fpm
a1b5d72 fix import name
80ac51b fix the relative path import issue
08528e9 fix typo in init
4835c5b general cleanup
58cf6da get.sh → install.sh
dd513f4 hide CPU flag until upstream issue is resolved
5ced0b2 if the env is set, assign it to the flag
ae95691 info can be nil, resolves #78
339c397 make destroy cleanup the config and hosts file
6f9d25e move nitro.yaml into examples folder
775adf8 move normalize path into package
c1b925e move os.Remove to end
b57bc75 move webroot helper into sep package
5b417a6 name build as nitro
d93e14c output hostname in add, not machine
9bb0ab1 remove 5.8 as version of mysql
130c99b remove apply prompt from init
aea9874 remove cfg file check from add
8388e1a remove default database from docker create
44286e6 remove extra space
5fc3b58 remove hack package
3d85960 remove hosts command and config flag
82720cd remove imports
8f61651 remove name from config
cf43be5 remove non-editable options from yaml
ad0a7c4 remove now accepts hostname as args
5ac61ab remove permanent flag
2fcf808 remove references to name in favor of a flag
6f9f43e remove the machine namespace
4e9e2f5 remove unused import
292fb6c remove will not prompt when no sites are found
edff1fe rename hosts add to hosts as hidden cmd
54fa5bc reorder output
d05c9bb reorder prompts for apply
af9c677 semantics
ebc50f7 set flagname to default machine to clean up commands
eab5b6c sudo run now accepts variadic commands
5715dcb switch to bash
3eeb397 update add to use flag for machine
753a044 update add to use sudo package
54ba431 update apply to create dbs
26daa87 update destroy to always be permanent
0054518 update example
4ed2fe3 update hosts to use machine name, not the file path
548aee9 update install and bump CPUs to 2
dd2bef0 update outputs on some commands
ca162f3 update redis to use syscall
164cfb7 update remove to send hostname
daec323 use hostname for dest instead of folder
63359ee use machine name, not file abs path
5761a17 when adding sites, check if there is already a mount to create
63d6f34 wip init prompt
b4bd94d wip prompt on init
65ebbdc yep