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Publican is a tiny, simple, and very fast HTML-first static site generator.

Full documentation is available at

This is a beta product! Please use it at your own risk!


  • lightweight EcmaScript module
  • templating handled with standard JavaScript template literals ${ expression }
  • !{ expression } values are converted to ${ expression } at build time. Templates can be partially-built where possible and used in Express.js or other frameworks with jsTACS
  • automatic markdown conversion with block and inline code syntax highlighting
  • automatic creation of page navigation, in-page heading contents, paginated posts, and paginated tag lists
  • renders HTML or any other text-based file types
  • pass-through file copying
  • add virtual content and templates
  • custom string replacement
  • automatic minification options
  • hooks for custom processing functions
  • watch mode
  • works on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

Quick start

If necessary, create a new Node.js project directory:

mkdir mysite
cd mysite
npm init

Add "type": "module", to package.json to use EcmaScript modules by default.

Install Publican:

npm i publican

Create markdown or other content files in the src/content/ sub-directory. For example, src/content/

title: My Publican site

This is my new static site!

*Under construction!*

Create HTML template files in the src/template/ sub-directory. For example, src/template/default.html:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>${ data.title }</title>
    ${ include('_partials/header.html') }
      <h1>${ data.title }</h1>
      ${ data.content }

The template above includes a partial at src/template/_partials/header.html:

  <nav><a href="${ tacs.root }">HOME</a></nav>

Create a configuration file in the project root, e.g. publican.config.js (use a .mjs extension if "type": "module", is not set in package.json):

import { Publican } from 'publican';
const publican = new Publican();

// clear build directory (optional)
await publican.clean();

// build site

Build the site to the ./build/ directory:

node publican.config.js

Content files

Publican ignores all content files with names starting with an underscore, e.g. This restriction does not apply to template files.

Front matter

You can add any front matter to any content file but the following values control publication:

name description
title page title (optional)
menu title used on menus or set false to omit (optional)
slug page slug (optional)
priority post priority from 0 (least important) to 1 (most important)
date date of post
publish date of publication or draft determine whether post is published
tags comma-delimited list of tags
template HTML template filename (in template directory)
index indexing frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) or false to not index
debug set true to output content properties

Note that front matter can contain ${ expressions }.

In-page navigation

Add a <nav-heading></nav-heading> element in any content or template to add a contents section with links to the main content headings (h2 to h6).

Virtual content and templates

Content can be programmatically added by calling:

publican.addContent( <filename>, <content> );


  • <filename> is a virtual filename such as article/, and
  • <content> is the content of that file


title: Virtual post
This is a virtual post!

This would render a file to article/vpost/index.html in the build directory.

Similarly, a virtual template can be added by calling:

  '<!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset="UTF-8">\n<title>${ data.title }</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n${ include("_partials/header.html") }\n<main>\n<h1>${ data.title }</h1>\n${ data.content }\n</main>\n${ include("_partials/footer.html") }\n</body>\n</html>'

Content can refer to this template in front matter using template: mytemplate.html.

Note the template string cannot be delimited with ` backticks if they contain ${ expressions }.

Markdown notes

You can use template literals in markdown content but some care may be necessary to avoid problems with the HTML conversion. Simple expressions such as ${ data.title } will usually work as expected. However:

  • ${ expressions } in code blocks will not execute
  • complex expressions such as ${ => i.title) } can break the markdown to HTML parser.

To work around these restrictions, you can:

  1. Use a double-bracket ${{ expression }}. This denotes a real expression irrespective of where it resides in the markdown.
  2. Use HTML snippets in your markdown file, such as <p>${ expression }</p>.
  3. Simplify expressions using custom jsTACS functions.
  4. Only use complex expressions in HTML content or template files.

You can used escape characters to avoid any template expression processing:

  • for ` backticks, use &#96;
  • for ${, use &#36;{
  • for !{, use &#33;{

Post properties

Post information can be analysed and used in content or templates using a data object that has the front matter properties above, any custom properties you add, and and other properties set by Publican.

name description
title page title
menu title used in menus
content main content
contentRendered final rendered main content
date date of post
publish false if the post is not to published
index indexing frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) or false if not indexed
priority post priority from 0 - 1
tags array of tag objects: { tag, ref, link, slug }
wordCount content word count
postnext data object of the next post in the directory
postback data object the previous post in the directory
pagination pagination data
filename original name of data file
template HTML template filename (in template directory)
slug the rendered filename relative to the build directory
link link to post
directory top-level directory name
isMD content provided in markdown format
isHTML content is rendered to HTML
isXML content is rendered to XML
debug whether debugging is enabled

Pagination properties

The data.pagination object contains the following properties when available:

name description
page array of pages
pageTotal total number of pages
pageCurrent current page number (zero based)
pageCurrent1 current page number (one based)
subpageFrom1 post number from
subpageTo1 post number to
hrefBack link to previous paginated page
hrefNext link to next paginated page
href array of links to all paginated pages

Global values

The following values are available in all pages:

name description
tacs.root root build directory (defaults to /)
tacs.all Map object of all posts indexed by slug
tacs.dir Map object of all posts in a root directory. Returns an array of posts.
tacs.tag Map object of all tags. Returns an array of posts.
tacs.tagList array of tag objects: { tag, ref (normalized tag), link, slug, count }
tacs.nav nested array of navigation item objects: { data: {}, children [ { data,children },... ] }

Publican configuration

Publican configuration is set in a publican.config object with the following properties (defaults shown in brackets):

property description
.dir.content content directory (./src/content/)
.dir.template template directory (./src/template/) build directory (./build/)
.ignoreContentFile ignore file regex (anything starting _)
.slugReplace slug replacer Map
.frontmatterDelimit front matter delimiter (---)
.root root path (/)
.indexFrequency default indexing frequency (monthly). Set false to prevent sitemap indexing
.defaultHTMLTemplate default template for HTML files (default.html)
.markdownOptions.core markdown-it core options object
.markdownOptions.prism markdown-it-prism syntax highlighting options object
.headingAnchor heading anchor and contents block options object {nolink, linkContent, linkClass, nomenu, navClass, tag}
.replace string replacer Map
.dirPages directory pages options object {size, sortBy, sortOrder, template, dir}
.tagPages tag page index options object {root, size, sortBy, sortOrder, template, menu, index}
.minify HTML minification options object
.passThrough file copy Set
.processContent function hook Set for content files (filename, object)
.processTemplate function hook Set for template files (filename, string) - returns string
.processRenderStart function hook Set called once prior to rendering ()
.processPreRender function hook Set prior to rendering post (slug, object)
.processPostRender function hook Set after rendering post (slug, string) - returns string
.processRenderComplete function hook Set called once after rendering (changed file list [{slug,content},...])
.watch enable watch mode (false)
.watchDebounce watch debounce in milliseconds (300)
.logLevel log verbosity, 0 to 2 (2)

Custom string replacement

Built files can have strings replaced:

publican.config.replace.set(<search>, <replace>);


  • <search> is a search string or regular expression
  • <replace> is the replacement string


// replace __YEAR__ with the current year
publican.config.replace.set( '__YEAR__', (new Date()).getUTCFullYear() );

// replace text in <p class="bold"> with <p><strong>
publican.config.replace.set( /<p class="bold">(.*?)<\/p>/ig, '<p><strong>$1</strong></p>);

Pass-through files

Copy static files into the build directory using:

publican.config.passThrough.add({ from: <src>, to: <dest> });


  • <src> is a source directory relative to the project root, and
  • <dest> is a destination directory relative to the build directory


// copy ./src/media/favicons/**/* to ./build/
publican.config.passThrough.add({ from: './src/media/favicons', to: './' });

// copy ./src/media/images/**/* to ./build/images/
publican.config.passThrough.add({ from: './src/media/images', to: './images/' });

Custom jsTACS data and functions

The tacs object can have any global data or functions appended although you should avoid changing the default global values. For example:

tacs.generator = {
  name: 'Publican',
  url: ''

Any template can now use a render-time expression such as ${ }.

You can also create reusable functions to simplify rendering, e.g.

tacs.exec = tacs.exec || {};

// output links to most recent pages
tacs.exec.listRecent = (list, maxSize = Infinity) => {

  // copy list
  list = [ ...list ];

  // limit size
  list.length = Math.min( list.length, maxSize );

  // sort and generate list of links
  let ret = list.
    .sort((a, b) => -
    .map(i => `<li><a href="${ }">${ i.title }</a></li>`)

  // make into list
  if (ret) ret = `<ol>\n${ ret }</ol>\n`;

  // return to template
  return ret;


Templates can now use this function, e.g. list the ten most recent posts in the article directory:

<p>Ten most recent articles:</p>
${ tacs.exec.listRecent( tacs.dir.get('article'), 10 ) }

Processing function hooks

Plugins or configuration code can define custom synchronous functions to add, alter, or remove data at build time. (Asynchronous functions which return a Promise are not supported.)

To process content data when it's initially loaded, add a .processContent function (only synchronous functions are permitted). The function is passed the data object and filename. Return values are ignored, but data properties can be manipulated. The following example prepends "POST:" to every title:

  (data, filename) => data.title = 'POST: ' + data.title

To process a template string when it's initially loaded, add a .processTemplate function. The function is passed the template string and the filename. Return the (changed) template string. The following example adds the filename as an HTML comment to the template:

  (template, filename) => `\n<!-- ${ filename } -->\n${ template }`

To process any data before rendering starts, add a .processRenderStart function. It is called once and passed the global tacs object so it can manipulate properties. Return values are ignored. The following example creates a new tacs.tagScore Map which gives the post count for each tag reference:

  tacs => {
    tacs.tagScore = new Map();
    tacs.tagList.forEach(t => tacs.tagScore.set(t.ref, t.count));

To process each post before it's rendered, add a .processPreRender function. The function is passed the post data object and the tacs global data object so it can manipulate properties. Return values are ignored. The following example sets a renderTime value to the current datetime on all output HTML files:

  (data) => {
    if (data.isHTML) data.renderTime = new Date();

To process the fully rendered content of each post (prior to minification and saving), add a .processPostRender function. The function is passed the final output string, the post data object, and the tacs global object. Return the (changed) output string. The following example inserts a meta tag into HTML content:

  (output, data) => {
    if (data.isHTML) {
      output = output.replace('</head>', '<meta name="generator" content="" />\n</head>');
    return output;


simple and fast static site generator







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