This repo blends gocontainer, green, greendots-golang (master).
This repo shows Java green dots :8080, Go green dots :8077, slides :6060.
In the following command, IP8080 means the IP from which you'll be demoing gocontainer
, e.g. home or office.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name gocontainer --template-body file://cf.yml --region us-west-2 --parameter ParameterKey=IP8080,ParameterValue=REDACTED ParameterKey=IP22,ParameterValue=`curl` ParameterKey=githubpassword,ParameterValue=REDACTED
Wait 12 minutes for everything to install, then 4 more minutes before green dots are enabled (I'm not sure why this delay exists).
In the following, gocontainer
is whatever public IP your CloudFormation just created.
All three URLs (java green dots on :8080, Golang green dots on :8077, slides on :6060) have been witnessed to return within 15 minutes.