Cloud function for calculating online users in a room. Downloading entire status node and counting children is not feasible. This feature will most likely only be for public rooms.
Username/picture preview of who is currently in rooms (limit of 3 or so)
Private rooms with specific user permissions. This would require online status to be a global value rather than per room and a distinction between private and public rooms.
Currently, Bandcamp audio source links have a token that only lasts an hour. Handled with client side magic by setting a rescrape flag and comparing expiry time of token. Downloading to the server is extremely costly.
When no user remains in room, we remove start/end time on NowPlaying track and recalculate once someone rejoins the room.
When Firebase token expires the onDisconnect handler doesn't seem to fire leaving a user who will be forever online. May need to provide timestamp for when a device was added and remove on client.
Style with TailwindCSS.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run lint