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Lots of people on Pseudolonewolf's social/flash forum Fig Hunter have been interested in my chat room scripts which provide me with automatic text coloration and tab-completion and so on. I have decided to make these public via github.

Chat Features

  • Tab-complete: other chatters' names can be completed by typing the first few characters of their name and then pressing the tab key. If there are multiple possibilities, keep pressing tab to cycle through them. (There may be bugs if you hit enter or spacebar immediately after the tab-complete happens and the submit button is hit prematurely; if you have a reliable way of reproducing this bug, PM Drostie about it.)
  • /me emotes: If your chat text begins with /me, the script will look up your user ID and convert it to your profile link, which is how a lot of Fig Hunters have been expressing their emotes.
  • Autocoloring: One of the options available provides a color text. This color is automatically applied to any text that you write. If you write your own colors within a text, the script will automatically reformat your text so that your own colors take priority.

Misc Features

  • Comments in Context: when you are looking at a user's comment history, it is the case that you cannot see who they were replying to, or who replied to them, because the link only brings you to the top of the comment thread. This add-on provides a little link underneath the [Reply] link, called [Context], which lets you see the comment in its proper context.
  • Real ratings: People often express interest at seeing their "actual" rating, including decimal points, which Pseudo rounds into the public 7-point rating. This add-on lets you see this on their profile page, just beneath their IP address.

How to Install

On Firefox: install the GreaseMonkey add-on and then visit this page:

GreaseMonkey should automatically detect this as a valid user script and offer to install it. Do not click the .user.js link provided by GitHub above; it will be falsely autodetected by GreaseMonkey as a valid script, when in fact it links to an HTML-formatted document which is not valid as a GreaseMonkey script.

On Chrome: you won't need to install anything extra, just click the link above.

How you know it's working: On any Fig Hunter page, you should now see a little link by the "Edit Stats" page called "Chat Options". Click that and you will be able to select from the color you want to use for autocoloring. The other option, used for flashing the window title when someone says your name, is not yet implemented.

Legal Stuff

Much of the codebase is a copy of jQuery and Sizzle, which are copyrighted by John Resig and the Dojo Foundation respectively, and are both used under the open-source MIT License. The exact licenses used are provided as files here: jQuery.license and Sizzle.license, respectively.

To the extent possible by law, I hereby waive all copyright and any related rights to the remaining code under the Creative Commons Zero waiver/license, which you may read online at:

This means that you may copy, distribute, modify, and use my code without any fear of lawsuits from me. As it says at the above URL, my code is provided with NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. I do humbly request that you provide me some sort of attribution or credit if you use it; but I leave that decision up to you.


Tools and scripts made for the Fig Hunter web site






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