MovieDB is just a small IMDd, I will be improving it just for fun.
- Movie: Title, Text, Ratings, Category, Comments
- Movie has all REST actions
- C(R)UD of own movies only for logged-in users
- Rating (5 star system) of movies only for logged-in users
- Create Comments for movies only for logged-in users
- Home page = listing of all movies including full text search and facets of categories and ratings:
- Example for categories:
- Action (5)
- Drama (2)
- ...
- Example for ratings:
- 5 Stars (4)
- 4 Stars (9)
- ...
- Clicking on a facet filters the movie list accordingly without a page reload
- In the movie list the logged users are able to rate the movie without a page reload
- Next to it should be the buttons for C(R)UD actions if it's the user's movie
- Pagination for more than 10 items
There is a very simple API that display an specific Movie, and also allows to create a movie.
The API Key is nex to the "Signed in" text when you are logged in.
You can update the values into movie_api/movies.rb in order to make a simple request
A new version for the API, this time using Sinatra inside the Rails app.
Check the values in the file: movie_api/movies-v2.rb
- Testing with RSpec and Capybara (including JS)
- For testing security and good practices:
- Ajax pagination: Kaminari
- Notifications: Gritter
- API V2: Sinatra
- Uplading images: [Carrierwave] (
- Charts for ratings: Chartkick