Blocky is a DNS proxy for local network written in Go with following features:
- Blocking of DNS queries with external lists (Ad-block) with whitelisting
- Definition of black and white lists per client group (Kids, Smart home devices etc) -> for example: you can block some domains for you Kids and allow your network camera only domains from a whitelist
- periodical reload of external black and white lists
- blocking of request domain, response CNAME (deep CNAME inspection) and response IP addresses (against IP lists)
- Caching of DNS answers for queries -> improves DNS resolution speed and reduces amount of external DNS queries
- Custom DNS resolution for certain domain names
- Supports UDP, TCP and TCP over TLS DNS resolvers with DNSSEC support
- Supports DNS over HTTPS (DoH) resolvers
- Delegates DNS query to 2 external resolver from a list of configured resolvers, uses the answer from the fastest one -> improves you privacy and resolution time
- Logging of all DNS queries per day / per client in a text file
- Simple configuration in a single file
- Prometheus metrics
- Only one binary in docker container, low memory footprint
- Runs fine on raspberry pi
Create config.yml
file with your configuration:
# these external DNS resolvers will be used. Blocky picks 2 random resolvers from the list for each query
# format for resolver: net:host:[port][/path]. net could be tcp, udp, tcp-tls or https (DoH). If port is empty, default port will be used (53 for udp and tcp, 853 for tcp-tls, 443 for https (Doh))
- udp:
- udp:
- udp:
- tcp-tls:
# optional: custom IP address for domain name (with all sub-domains)
# example: query "printer.lan" or "my.printer.lan" will return
# optional: definition, which DNS resolver should be used for queries to the domain (with all sub-domains).
# Example: Query will ask DNS server This is necessary for local network, to resolve clients by host name
mapping: udp:
# optional: use black and white lists to block queries (for example ads, trackers, adult pages etc.)
# definition of blacklist groups. Can be external link (http/https) or local file
# definition of whitelist groups. Attention: if the same group has black and whitelists, whitelists will be used to disable particular blacklist entries. If a group has only whitelist entries -> this means only domains from this list are allowed, all other domains will be blocked
- whitelist.txt
# definition: which groups should be applied for which client
# default will be used, if no special definition for a client name exists
- ads
- special
# use client name or ip address
- ads
# which response will be sent, if query is blocked:
# zeroIp: will be returned (default)
# nxDomain: return NXDOMAIN as return code
blockType: zeroIp
# optional: automatically list refresh period in minutes. Default: 4h.
# Negative value -> deactivate automatically refresh.
# 0 value -> use default
refreshPeriod: 1
# optional: configuration for caching of DNS responses
# amount in minutes, how long a response must be cached (min value).
# If <=0, use response's TTL, if >0 use this value, if TTL is smaller
# Default: 0
minTime: 40
# amount in minutes, how long a response must be cached (max value).
# If <0, do not cache responses
# If 0, use TTL
# If > 0, use this value, if TTL is greater
# Default: 0
maxTime: -1
# optional: configuration of client name resolution
# this DNS resolver will be used to perform reverse DNS lookup (typically local router)
upstream: udp:
# optional: some routers return multiple names for client (host name and user defined name). Define which single name should be used.
# Example: take second name if present, if not take first name
- 2
- 1
# optional: configuration for prometheus metrics endpoint
# enabled if true
enable: true
# port, optional (default 4000)
port: 4000
# url path, optional (default '/metrics')
path: /metrics
# optional: write query information (question, answer, client, duration etc) to daily csv file
# directory (should be mounted as volume in docker)
dir: /logs
# if true, write one file per client. Writes all queries to single file otherwise
perClient: true
# if > 0, deletes log files which are older than ... days
logRetentionDays: 7
# Port, should be 53 (UDP and TCP)
port: 53
# Log level (one from debug, info, warn, error)
logLevel: info
Start docker container with following docker-compose.yml
version: "2.1"
image: spx01/blocky
container_name: blocky
restart: unless-stopped
- "53:53/tcp"
- "53:53/udp"
- TZ=Europe/Berlin
# config file
- ./config.yml:/app/config.yml
# write query logs in this directory. You can also use a volume
- ./logs:/logs
Download binary file for your architecture, put it in one directory with config file. Please be aware, you must run the binary with root privileges if you want to use port 53 or 953.
To print runtime configuration / statistics, you can send SIGUSR1
signal to running process
blocky collects statistics and aggregates them hourly. If signal SIGUSR2
is received, this will print statistics for last 24 hours:
- Top 20 queried domains
- Top 20 blocked domains
- Query count per client ...
Hint: To send a signal to a process you can use kill -s USR1 <PID>
or docker kill -s SIGUSR1 blocky
for docker setup