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feat: missing GKMSSigner feature #87

feat: missing GKMSSigner feature

feat: missing GKMSSigner feature #87

name: Compare VM performance to base branch
- 'core/**'
name: Run VM benchmarks
runs-on: [ matterlabs-ci-runner-highmem-long ]
- name: checkout base branch
uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4
submodules: "recursive"
fetch-depth: 0
ref: ${{ github.base_ref }}
- name: fetch PR branch
run: |
git remote add pr_repo ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.clone_url }}
git fetch pr_repo ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
- name: fetch merge-base SHA
id: merge_base
run: echo "sha=$(git merge-base HEAD FETCH_HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: checkout divergence point
run: git checkout ${{ steps.merge_base.outputs.sha }} --recurse-submodules
- name: setup-env
run: |
touch .env
echo ZKSYNC_HOME=$(pwd) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo $(pwd)/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo $(pwd)/zkstack_cli/zkstackup >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo "SCCACHE_GCS_BUCKET=matterlabs-infra-sccache-storage" >> .env
echo "" >> .env
echo "RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache" >> .env
# Set the minimum reported instruction count difference to reduce noise
- name: init
run: |
run_retried docker compose pull zk
docker compose up -d zk
- name: run benchmarks on base branch
shell: bash
run: |
ci_run zkstackup -g --local
ci_run zkstack dev contracts --system-contracts
ci_run cargo bench --package vm-benchmark --bench instructions -- --verbose || echo "Instructions benchmark is missing"
ci_run cargo run --package vm-benchmark --release --bin instruction_counts | tee base-opcodes
- name: checkout PR
run: |
git checkout --force FETCH_HEAD --recurse-submodules
- name: run benchmarks on PR
shell: bash
id: comparison
run: |
ci_run zkstackup -g --local
ci_run zkstack dev contracts --system-contracts
ci_run cargo bench --package vm-benchmark --bench instructions -- --verbose
ci_run cargo bench --package vm-benchmark --bench instructions -- --print > instructions.log 2>/dev/null
# Output all lines from the benchmark result starting from the "## ..." comparison header.
# Since the output spans multiple lines, we use a heredoc declaration.
EOF=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=15 count=1 status=none | base64)
echo "speedup<<$EOF" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
sed -n '/^## /,$p' instructions.log >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
ci_run cargo run --package vm-benchmark --release --bin instruction_counts -- --diff base-opcodes > opcodes.log
echo "opcodes<<$EOF" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
sed -n '/^## /,$p' opcodes.log >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Comment on PR
uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@fabd468d3a1a0b97feee5f6b9e499eab0dd903f6 # v2.5.0
if: steps.comparison.outputs.speedup != '' || steps.comparison.outputs.opcodes != ''
message: |
${{ steps.comparison.outputs.speedup }}
${{ steps.comparison.outputs.opcodes }}
comment_tag: vm-performance-changes
mode: recreate
create_if_not_exists: true
- name: Remove PR comment
uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@fabd468d3a1a0b97feee5f6b9e499eab0dd903f6 # v2.5.0
if: steps.comparison.outputs.speedup == '' && steps.comparison.outputs.opcodes == ''
comment_tag: vm-performance-changes
message: 'No performance difference detected (anymore)'
mode: delete