v2.0 CrossCloud CI
No due date
92% complete
Cross-Cloud component
- Refactor to allow adding new clouds in less time in addition to easier maintenance
- Support multiple releases of Kubernetes in the CI system
- Creating the capability to use custom artifacts, including external. Eg. custom built k8s from an external url
Cross-Project component
- Allow a CNCF project to request a customized cluster for …
Cross-Cloud component
- Refactor to allow adding new clouds in less time in addition to easier maintenance
- Support multiple releases of Kubernetes in the CI system
- Creating the capability to use custom artifacts, including external. Eg. custom built k8s from an external url
Cross-Project component
- Allow a CNCF project to request a customized cluster for testing
- Allow the artifacts (and projects) being deployed to be selected vs all or nothing
- Support name spacing of deployment environments to leverage using existing k8s clusters
Multi-cloud provisioner
- Updates to support cross-cloud deploys after refactor