cComputer stands for Cryx's computer
This is an attempt to make a very basic CPU with its own assembly language and compiler without any prior important knowledge. This repository is more an experiment that anything else. Therefore it SHOULD NOT be used in any of your projects or even has a relevant example. Logisim Evolution will be used to create the different needed circuits for the CPU.
Instructions wide
64x64 Screen
15-bits Colors
Program: ROM 512 x 40
General + Video: RAM 64K x 16 (0x0000 - 0x0020 reserved)
(0xF000 - 0xFFFF video)
'#1234' => decimal format
'#$ABCD' => hexadecimal format
'#%1011' => binary format
'xxxx:' => Create a label named xxxx
R0: 0x0000
R1: 0x0001
R2: 0x0002
R3: 0x0003
R4: 0x0004
R5: 0x0005
R6: 0x0006
R7: 0x0007
- If a '=>' is visible, it means that the value will be stored into the
concerned register.
- CMP and TST will store their value (1/0) into a flag.
- Pointers can be used for instructions with *R args, such as MOV and SET.
eg: MOV *R0 R1, will copy the content of the memory at address R0 into R1
The usage of pointers will be ignored for CMP and TST
R=Register; A=Address; V=Value; L=Label; *=Pointer
8-bits 16-bits 16-bits
0x00 NOP // Nothing
0x01 MOV *RAx *RAy // Move Y to X
0x02 SET *RA V // Set value V
0x10 ADD Rx Ry => Rx=Rx+Ry // Add
0x11 SUB Rx Ry => Rx=Rx-Ry // Subtract
0x12 MUL Rx Ry => Rx=Rx*Ry // Multiply
0x13 DIV Rx Ry => Rx=Rx/Ry // Divide
0x14 NOT Rx => Rx=!Rx // NOT operator
0x15 AND Rx Ry => Rx=Rx&Ry // AND operator
0x16 ORR Rx Ry => Rx=Rx|Ry // OR operator
0x17 XOR Rx Ry => Rx=Rx^Ry // XOR operator
0x18 ROL Rx Ry => Rx // Left rotation of Ry bits
0x19 ROR Rx Ry => Rx // Right rotation of Ry bits
0x20 CMP Rx Ry // Compare Rx to Ry
0x21 TST R // Test R
0x30 BEQ L // Go to label L if equal
0x31 BNE L // Go to label L if not equal
0x32 BLT L // Go to label L if lesser than
0x33 BGT L // Go to label L if bigger than
0x34 JMP L // Go to label L
0xF0 VID // Refresh video output
0xFF HLT // Halt, stop the program
- Create a
file (examples are available in./examples/
) - In
to create the compiler. - Once the compiler is ready, run
./cryxc path_to_file.casm
to compile the file, a fileout.cout
will be created. You can also run./cryxc file.casm output_name
to create instead the fileoutput_name.cout
in the desired directory. - Run Logisim Evolution, load
and load the.cout
file into the ROM. - Go into the Simulation tab to config the simulation and to run it.
- If you want to reset the simulation, you can click on the red button or press