Form / inputs markup to define Master element and Slaves which will share lasting space
<div class="line"></div>
Lines permits create new horizontal section. Default behavior considers left element as Master.
To define right element as Master, use this markup :
<div class="line rightMaster"></div>
Being Master means that element will suffer no width restriction
<div class="master"></div>
Around Master, you'll find Slave elements.
They will share the lasting width, left by Master
<div class="slave"></div>
For complex template, you can recreate a Master / Slaves relation inside a Master or Slave section
<div class="master"></div>
<div class="slave"></div>
<div class="slave">
<div class="master"></div>
<div class="slave"></div>
<div class="slave"></div>
Nested Slaves will share left space by their Master, inside the containing Slave width scope