This repository contains examples for use of different geospatial applications. Many of the examples are for CSC supercomputer Puhti but may also be helpful for other systems (or your own computer). Please find a list of all geospatial software that is available on Puhti in CSC docs.
- Overview
- Puhti - serial/array/parallel processing with R.
- R for LiDAR data: lidR and rlas
- Working with Allas data from R
- Reading NLS topographic database geopackage with R
- Overview
- Puhti - serial/array/parallel processing with Python.
- Working with Allas data from Python
- Reading NLS topographic database geopackage with Python
- GRASS multiprocessing from Python
- Routing
- Sentinel data download from Finhub using sentinelsat
- STAC, xarray and dask for downloading and processing data
- Zonal statistics in parallel
- Python Dask-geopandas
- GeoPortti share Github repository includes several longer examples of HPC usage.
- Overview: A collection of instructions to setup virtual machines in CSC's cPouta environment for different tools:
- OpenDroneMap as Docker applications - installing other Docker applications would be very similar.
- GeoServer
- PostGIS
- ArcPy
- MetaShape - installing other Desktop tools could be rather similar.
If you have installed Git or You can download these scripts to any computer using git. To do this, first navigate to the destination folder (in Puhti this could be your project's projappl or scratch folder):
cd /projappl/<YOUR-PROJECT>
cd /scratch/<YOUR-PROJECT>
And then clone this repository there
git clone
If Git is not available, you can download the files also as zip-file from the Code
drop-down menu above.
These examples are free to use under CC 4.0 BY license unless marked otherwise.
Please acknowledge CSC and Geoportti in your publications, it is important for project continuation and funding reports. As an example, you can write "The authors wish to thank CSC - IT Center for Science, Finland (urn:nbn:fi:research-infras-2016072531) and the Open Geospatial Information Infrastructure for Research (Geoportti, urn:nbn:fi:research-infras-2016072513) for computational resources and support