This repository contains hands-on tutorials to be done using the TmoleX graphical user interface and the TURBOMOLE engine running on a Puhti. Note, that the latter requires a license, which is available for academic users on CSC supercomputers
- Setting up TmoleX either via a Browser or by installing it on your own laptop
- Use TmoleX to prepare a geometry optimization of a small molecule at DFT level
- Submit the job via TmoleX to Puhti, where the actual calculation is done
- Use TmoleX to monitor the progress of the job
- Use TmoleX to retreive and analyze the results
- Multiple geometry optimizations of a number of isomers
- Switch to a higher quality basis set for a single point energy calculation
- Benchmark resource usage by looking at how long the jobs take vs used resources
- Construct your own job template and apply it to a set of molecules