npm install
npm run start
Runs ESlint
npm run lint
Before pushing run this command to ensure that you will not fail due to silly mistakes. This will run both unit testing and the linter. (This will be enforced and automated by Husky soon).
npm run prepush
Unit Testing This is done using Mocha+Chai Runs all tests in folder test/unit_testing
npm run test:unit
Integration Testing This is done using Mocha+Spectron Runs all tests in folder test/integration_testing
npm run test:int
Currently we are only checking the coverage of unit testing. to run the tests. This will check all js files in folders not excluded in package.json under "nyc".
Nothing is currently being enforced off of these results.
npm run test:unit_cov
npm run test:unit_cov_html
unit_cov will show you the resutls in terminal unit_cov_html will create a folder called coverage in root with a html file listing out the coverages
To create your own local exe. This will be located in a created folder dist which will reside in the root dir.
npm run manual:build
This is done through Gitub Actions. All it really looks for is for a different version in package.json then what master currently has.
1. Update the version in your project's package.json file (e.g. 1.2.3). If this is
not a new version the release will not function.
2. Commit that change (git commit -am v1.2.3).
4. Push your changes to GitHub
5. Create a pull request to merge changes into master.
6. Go to the release tab in Github. There will now be a Draft of the taged commit
click edit, make any changes you wish and publish the draft to release to the
After the build check under the release tab in Github.