My App is Good.
Coming soon...
These variables/secrets are used by various workflows...
name | type | description |
GHCR_USER | vars | GHCR Username |
GHCR_PASS | secrets | GHCR Password/Token |
SERVICE_CONFIGS_KEY | secrets | SSH Key for service-configs |
PORTAINER_URL | secrets | Portainer URL |
PORTAINER_TOKEN | secrets | Portainer Token |
CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN | secrets | Optional Cloudflare Token |
These are convoluted because GitHub wanted to block variables to punish us.
File | Description |
dev-ci.yaml | Defines variables under deploy |
dev-deploy.yaml | Repeated variables from above |
prod-deploy.yaml | Defines variables under deploy |
cp settings.env.example settings.env
vim settings.env
set -a; source settings.env; set +a
npm install
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up --build --remove-orphans --force-recreate